; 對當前圖形裏的常規詞典進行列表
(defun C:dicts ( / xdoc xdicts xi xc xii xlst xname xnl xhl myGetCount)
(defun myGetCount ( xd xn / xitem errobj)
? (setq xitem (vla-item xd xn) ?errobj (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-get-count (list xitem)))
? (if (vl-catch-all-error-p errobj)
(itoa errobj)
? )
) ?; end of myerr()
(setq xdoc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-Acad-Object))
?xdicts (vla-get-dictionaries xdoc)
?xdictlist (entget (namedobjdict))
?xi 0 ?xc (length xdictlist) ?xii 0 ?xnl nil ?xhl nil
(while (< xi xc) ?; for each element in xdictlist, the dictionary list
? (if (= (car (setq xlst (nth xi xdictlist))) 3)
? (progn
?(setq xii (1+ xii) ?xi (1+ xi))
(princ (strcat (itoa xii) ". \"" (setq xname (cdr xlst)) "\" ?" ?(myGetCount xdicts xname) "\n"))
?(setq xnl (cons xname xnl) ?xhl (cons (cdr (nth xi xdictlist)) xhl))
? ) ?; end of progn(it's a dictionary item)
? ) ?; end of if(it's a dictionary item)
? (setq ?xi (1+ xi))
) ?; end of while(each element in dictionary list)
(princ (strcat "\nActiveDocument.Dictionaries.Count=" (itoa (vla-get-count xdicts)) "\n"))
(initget 6) ?; no zero or negative value allowed
(setq ?xnl (reverse xnl) ?xhl (reverse xhl) ?xi (getint "\nWhich one to REMOVE by index above? <Exit>: "))
(if (and xi (<= xi xii)) (entdel (nth (1- xi) xhl)))
) ?; end of (C:dicts)
(princ "\nYou can type command of DICTS to go again.")