當前位置:成語大全網 - 英語詞典 - innocent什麽意思


1.~ (of sth) not guilty (of wrongdoing) 無辜的; 無罪的; 清白的: They have imprisoned an innocent man. 他們監禁了壹個無辜的男子. * innocent of a crime, a charge, an accusation 未犯某罪、 被指控的罪、 被指責的事.

2.[attrib 作定語] suffering harm although not involved 無辜受害的; 被殃及的: an innocent bystander 無端受害的旁觀者 * innocent victims of the bomb blast 炸彈下的無辜犧牲者.

3. harmless; innocuous 無害的; 無惡意的: innocent amusement, enjoyment, etc 無害的娛樂、 享受等 * It was a perfectly innocent question. Why get so worked up about it? 那純粹是無所謂的問題. 何必那麼激動?

4. knowing nothing of evil or wrong 天真無邪的; 純真的; 單純的: as innocent as a new-born babe 像初生嬰兒般純潔.

5. foolishly simple 頭腦簡單的; 愚鈍的: Don't be so innocent as to believe everything the politicians tell you. 別那麼幼稚, 以為政客說的壹切都是可信的.

6. [pred 作表語] ~ of sth (fml 文) lacking sth 沒有或缺少某事物: a bare room, innocent of any decoration 空蕩蕩的房間, 了無裝飾.