over 1
/ ?uv?(r); ˋov?/ adv part (For special uses with many vs, eg give over, see the relevant v entries. 可與許多動詞連用, 如give over, 其釋義見各動詞詞條. )
(a) outwards and downwards from an upright position 從直立位置向外和向下: Don't knock that vase over. 別把那個花瓶碰倒. * He fell over on the ice. 他摔倒在冰上. * I wobbled uncertainly for a couple of paces, then over I went. 我踉蹌了幾步就跌倒了. * The wind must have blown it over. 壹定是風把它吹掉了. (b) from one side to another side 從壹邊到另壹邊: Turn the patient over onto his front. 把病人翻過去讓他俯臥. * Turn over the page. 把這頁翻過去. * The car skidded off the road and rolled over and over down the slope. 汽車滑出路面, 打著滾翻下坡去. * After ten minutes, turn the meat over, ie to cook the other side. 烹調十分鐘後把肉翻個個兒. (c) across (a street, an open space, etc) 穿過, 橫過(街道、 開闊地等): Take these letters over to the post office. 把這些信送到對面郵局去. * Let me row you over to the other side of the lake. 我把妳劃到湖對岸去吧. * He has gone over to/is over in France. 他到法國去了. * Let's ask some friends over, ie to our home. 咱們請幾個朋友來吧. * Put the tray over there. 把托盤放到那邊去.
(esp US) again 再; 又: He repeated it several times over (ie again and again) until he could remember it. 他重復了幾遍直到記住為止. * We did the house over (ie redecorated it) and bought new furniture. 我們把房子重新布置壹番並買了新家具.
left unused; remaining 剩余; 余下: If there's any food (left) over, put it in the fridge. 食物要是剩下就放進冰箱裏. * I'll have just 10 over when I've paid all my debts. 要是我把債還清了, 我就只剩下10英 鎊了. * 7 into 30 goes 4 with 2 over. 用7除30得4余2.
in addition; more 加上; ...多: children of fourteen and over 十四歲和十四歲以上的少年 * 10 metres and a bit over 10米多壹點. Cf 參看 under 4.
ended 結束; 完結: Their relationship is over. 他們的關系已經吹了. * By the time we arrived the meeting was over. 我們到達時, 會議已結束了. * `It's all over with him (ie He is going to die),' the doctor said gently. ‘他不行了,’醫生輕聲地說.
(a) (indicating transfer or change from one person, group, place, etc to another 表示轉移或更換): He's gone over to the enemy, ie joined them. 他已投敵. * Please change the plates over, ie exchange their positions. 請把盤子調壹下. (b) (used when communicating by radio 用於無線電通話): Message received. Over, ie It is your turn to speak. 信息收到. 完畢. (該妳說了. )
so as to cover (sb/sth) entirely 全部遮蓋(某人[某物]): paint sth over 把某物全部塗上顏料 * The lake is completely frozen over. 湖面全部封凍. * Cover her over with a blanket. 給她蓋好毯子.
(idm 習語) (all) over a`gain a second time (from the beginning) (從頭)再壹次: He did the work so badly that I had to do it all over again myself. 他幹的太差勁了, 我只好親自重做. over against sth (fml 文) in contrast with sth 與某事物對比: the benefits of private education over against state education 私人辦學比起國家教育的好處. ,over and ,over (a`gain) many times; repeatedly 壹再; 多次; 反覆: I've warned you over and over (again) not to do that. 我已多次告誡過妳不要做那件事. * Say the words over and over to yourself. 把這些話自己重復幾遍吧. over 2
/ ?uv?(r); ˋov?/ prep (For special uses with many vs, eg argue over sth, get over sth, fall over sth, see thev entries. 可與許多動詞連用, 如argue over sth get over sth、 fall over sth, 其釋義見各動詞詞條. )
(not replaceable by above in this sense 此義不可用above替換) resting on the surface of and partly or completely covering (sb/sth) 附於(某人[某物])之上並將之部分或全部遮住: Spread a cloth over the table. 在桌子上鋪上桌布. * She put a rug over the sleeping child. 她給睡著的孩子蓋上了毯子. * He put his hand over her mouth to stop her screaming. 他伸手捂住她的嘴, 不讓她叫喊. => Usage at above2 用法見above2
in or to a position higher than but not touching (sb/sth) 在或向(某人[某物])的上方但不接觸: They held a large umbrella over her. 他們給她打著壹把大傘. * The sky was a clear blue over our heads. 我們頭頂上是蔚藍的天空. * The balcony juts out over the street. 那個陽臺伸出於街道上方. * There was a lamp (hanging) over the table. 桌子上方懸(掛)著壹盞燈. Cf 參看 above2 1a, under. => Usage at above2 用法見above2
(a) from one side of (sth) to the other; across 從(某物)的壹邊到另壹邊; 橫越: a bridge over the river 橋橫跨河面 * run over the grass 跑過草地 * escape over the frontier 逃出邊界 * look over the hedge 隔著樹籬看. (b) on the far or opposite side of (sth) 在(某物)的遠端或對面: He lives over the road. 他住在馬路對過. * Who lives in that house over the way (ie on the other side of the road or street)? 誰住在路對面那所房子裏? * Over the river is private land. 河的那邊是私人的土地. * (fig 比喻) We're over (ie We have completed) the most difficult stage of the journey. 我們已度過旅程中最困難的階段. (c) so as to cross (sth) and be on the other side 越過(某物)到另壹邊: climb over a wall 爬過壹堵墻 * jump over the stream 跳過小溪 * go over the mountain 翻過那座山.
(esp with all 尤與all連用) in or across every part or most parts of (sth/a place) 遍及(某物[某地])各處或大部分: Snow is falling (all) over the country. 全國各地都在下雪. * He's famous all over the world. 他名聞全世界. * He sprinkled sugar over his cereal. 他在麥片粥裏撒上了糖.
more than (a specified time, amount, cost, etc) 多於, 超過(某時間、 數量、 價錢等): over 3 million copies sold 售出300萬份以上 * She stayed in Lagos (for) over a month. 她在拉各斯逗留了壹個多月. * She's over two metres tall. 她身高兩米多. * The river is over fifty kilometres long. 這條河長五十多公裏. * He's over fifty. 他五十開外了. Cf 參看under 4. => Usage at above2 用法見above2
(indicating control, command, authority, superiority, etc 表示控制、 掌握、 權威、 優越等): He ruled over a great empire. 他統治著壹個大帝國. * She has only the director over her. 她的職位之上只有主任了. * He has little control over his emotions. 他控制不住自己的感情. Cf 參看 under 5, below.
(a) (indicating the passing of time 表示時間流逝) while doing, having, eating, etc (sth); during 在...期間: discuss it over lunch 吃午飯時商議此事 * He went to sleep over his work. 他幹著幹著活兒就睡著了. * We had a pleasant chat over a cup of tea. 我們壹邊喝茶壹邊愉快地聊天. * Over the next few days they got to know the town well. 在隨後的幾天裏他們就壹定熟悉那個城市了. (b) throughout (a period); during 貫穿(壹時間段); 在...期間: stay in Wales over (ie until after) Christmas and the New Year 在威爾士度過聖誕和新年.
because of or concerning (sth) 因為, 關於(某事物):an argument over money 因錢而起的爭執 * a disagreement over the best way to proceed 對於用哪種方式進行最好而產生的分歧.
transmitted by (sth) 通過(某事物)傳送: We heard it over the radio. 我們從無線電廣播中聽到了這件事. * She wouldn't tell me over (ie when speaking on) the phone. 她不願在電話裏告訴我.
(idm 習語) ,over and a`bove besides; in addition to 此外; 另外: The waiters get good tips over and above their wages. 服務員除工資外還有不少小費. over 3
/ ?uv?(r); ˋov?/ n (in cricket) series of six balls bowled in succession from one end of the wicket by the same bowler (板球中)壹個投球手壹次連續投出的六個球: dismiss two batsmen in the same over 在壹次連續投球中淘汰兩名擊球手.