當前位置:成語大全網 - 英語詞典 - country與countryside的區別




例句:I like my country.我愛我的國家

in the western countries在西方各國

Which do you prefer to live in a city or in the country ?妳歡喜住在城裏還是住在鄉下?(這裏根據場景判斷country指的是鄉下)

I like listening country music.我喜歡聽鄉村音樂(country作為形容詞使用)

I'm from countryside.我來自農村

具體來說,countryside 常用來泛指壹切鄉村地域或居民。例如:

the countryside is the most beautiful at this time.此時農村景色最美。

i bought many pictures of the chinese countryside.我買了許多有關中國農村的圖片。

country 作“鄉村”講時,側重指區別於城市的鄉間、鄉下。例如:

they are leaving the country and moving into the town.他們離開鄉下搬到城裏去了。

i am going to spend this summer vacation with my grandmother in the country. 我準備今天和祖母在鄉下過暑假。



A "countryside" refers to rural areas that are open. Forest, wetlands, and other areas with a low population density are not a countryside.

The "country" areas are rural areas - farms and small villages.

hope it can help.