chemical or atomic state.not breaking down easily or naturally.
2.形容人的性格沈穩、持重、可靠 of person or character not easily upset
or disturbed .reliable
3.穩定、穩固 firmly established or fixed .not likely change or move
常用詞組:a stale relationship ,job,government 穩定的關系、工作、政府
a house built on stable foundations The patient's condition is
4.n 名詞 馬廄
steady adj 1、可以說是專門從stable的第三個解釋中分出了物體固定穩固這個
意思,單指這個意思的時候比較鮮明些.firmly fixed,surpported,balanced,
not rocking ,shaking,likely fall over.常用搭配:hold the ladder
steady make the table steady,eg by repairing a leg He is not
very steady on his legs after illness .
2、均勻而有規律 常用搭配:a steady wind 勻速的風 a steady speed
,flow,rate,pace 穩定的速度、流速、速率、腳步。