當前位置:成語大全網 - 英語詞典 - maintain詳細用法



意思1(英文解釋和中文解釋)sth (with sth) cause sth to continue; keep sth in existence at the same level, standard, etc 保持或維持某事物: maintain friendly relations, contacts, etc (with sb) (與某人)保持友好關系、 接觸等

*(例句) enough food to maintain one's strength 足以維持體力的食物

* maintain law and order 維持法治

* maintain prices, ie prevent them falling 維持住物價(防止跌落)

* maintain one's rights 保留自己的權利

* Maintain your speed at 60 mph. 妳要保持每小時60英裏的速度.

* The improvement in his health is being maintained. 他的健康狀況仍在繼續好轉.


support (sb) financially 在財務上支持(某人); 贍養; 扶養: earn enough to maintain a family in comfort 掙的錢足以維持壹家人過舒適的生活

* This school is maintained by a charity. 該校由壹慈善機構資助.

* She maintains two sons at university. 她供兩個兒子上大學.


keep (sth) in good condition or working order 保養, 維修(某物): maintain the roads, a house, a car, etc 保養道路、 房子、 汽車等

* Engineers maintain the turbines. 機修工維修渦輪機.

* a well-maintained house 保養良好的房子.


assert (sth) as true 斷言(某事)屬實; 堅持: maintain one's innocence 堅持自己無辜

* maintain that one is innocent of a charge 對某項指控堅稱無罪.