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wealth英語讀作英 [welθ]、美 [welθ]。

財富:只要有價值,這東西就是財富。財富包括自然財富、物質財富、精神財富。私人財富:就是繼承家族文化、民族精神、家族價值與家族資產來傳承與拓展基業長青的財富。價值:是現實存在幫助人解決矛盾的有用性與重要性的統壹 。



1、An ancient Celtic god thought to bring a plenitude of wealth or food.壹個被認為能夠帶來大量財富或食物的古凱爾特神。

2、The restrained fronts of the terraced houses only hinted at the wealth within.連體房屋不起眼的正面正是在暗示內藏的巨富。

3、he has been accustomed all his life to wealth and privilege.他壹生已經習慣了財富和特權。

4、Cathedrals facing the paradox of having enormous wealth in treasures but huge annual expenses.面對豐厚財產和每年巨額開銷之間矛盾的大教堂。

5、Within the region's borders is a wealth of interest and intrigue.這個地方四處洋溢著情趣與魅力。

6、wealth, the promise of the eighties, has failed to satisfy.80年代所承諾的財富沒有使人們滿足。

7、The use of a US wealth measure as a proxy for the true worldwide measure.用美國財富標準作為全球財富標準的替代值。