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What does it mean to be a "Karen"?

被當做 Karen 是什麽意思?

It is the eye-rolling retort that Karens everywhere have come to know all too well: "OK, KAREN." Yes, it is their given name — but on the internet, "Karen" has come to stand for so much more. According to a popular meme, Karen is a middle-aged white woman with an asymmetrical bob asking to speak to the manager.

所有叫做 Karen 的人都已經逐漸深刻意識到,人們總會翻著白眼這樣回應她們:“好的,Karen 來了呢”。沒錯,Karen 是她們的名字——但是在互聯網上,Karen 代表的遠不只是壹個名字。在壹個流行網絡迷因中,Karen 是壹個留著側分的波波頭、老是要求找經理投訴的中年白人女性形象。

The name was chosen for its association with whiteness. It is that privilege that the meme sets out to skewer.

之所以是 Karen,是因為取這個名字的人多為白人。而這個網絡迷因的初衷,就是要抨擊白人的特權。

In 2018, it was among a handful of female names to become attached to a spate of viral videos showing white women racially targeting people of colour. The antagonist of one such clip, of a woman calling the police over a group of African American men having a barbecue in a park in Oakland, California, came to be known as BBQ Becky (another name applied to white women online).

2018 年,壹連串白人女性因種族之別針對有色人種的視頻,在網絡上病毒式傳播。有幾個女士名也和這些視頻掛上鉤,Karen 就是其中之壹。在其中壹個視頻裏,加利福尼亞州奧克蘭市的壹位女性看見壹群非裔男子在公園裏燒烤,因而報了警。作為視頻中的“大反派”,這名女子後來被稱為“燒烤 Becky”(Becky 是網絡上另壹個常用來稱呼白人女性的名字)。

The meme has new resonance in the time of coronavirus, increasingly being applied to those who are protesting against social distancing measures or treating the pandemic as permission to unfairly police others.

Karen 這個網絡迷因在新冠疫情期間也有了新的含義:它被越來越多地用在壹個新的群體上——這些人反對保持社交距離的措施,並且認為疫情給了他們許可,能肆意監管他人。

The male equivalent might be the "Kyle" meme: an angry, aggressive white teenage boy. But "Karen" is far more popular than "Kyle" — and the fact that an older woman's name has been made an internet-wide figure of fun has led to criticisms of the meme as misogynistic.

與 Karen 相對應的男版可能是 Kyle 這個網絡迷因:壹位憤怒、有攻擊性的白人青少年男孩。但是 Karen 遠比 Kyle 更受歡迎,而壹個年長女性的名字成為了全網嘲的笑料,這讓壹些人批評這個迷因仇視女性。

Karen Sandler, an attorney and software freedom advocate, says at first she was "a little sad" to see her name being applied so negatively — but it has in some ways been a wake-up call.

Karen Sandler 是壹位律師,也是自由軟件運動的倡導者。她說自己剛得知這個迷因的時候,看到自己的名字被用在如此負面的場景裏“有點兒傷心”。但某種程度上,這也為她敲響了警鐘。

"It has helped me really appreciate the advantages that I have in life, and emboldened me to speak out when I see people being ignored or disadvantaged," says Sandler.

“它讓我意識到自己享有的優勢,也讓我在看到他人被忽略或受到不公待遇的時候,更勇敢地為他們發聲。”Sandler 說道。







adj. 令人翻白眼的

相關詞匯:eye(n. 眼睛)

相關詞匯:roll(v. 翻)

搭配短語:to roll one's eyes



n. 反駁,回嘴

搭配短語:a witty or sharp retort

例句:He made a cutting retort.

詞性拓展:retort(v. 反駁)

come to


英文釋義:to finally reach a state

all too


例句:The holiday flew by all too quickly.



n. 網絡迷因

英文釋義:an idea, image, video, etc. that is spread very quickly on the internet

相關詞匯:gene(n. 基因)



n. 白人的特質

相關詞匯:white(adj. 白種人的)


文化補充:Whiteness studies 指的是“白人研究”,它主要探討了白人的特權、以及與白人有關的系統性種族主義等,可以說是壹個致力於對抗種族歧視的學科。

set out


搭配短語:to set out to do sth.

例句:You are setting out to improve your English.



v. 尖銳地批評;用棒串住

詞性拓展:skewer(n. 串肉棒)



v. 連接,聯系

搭配短語:to attach sth. to sth.

搭配短語:to attach a file to the email



n. 大量,壹連串

搭配短語:a spate of

搭配短語:a spate of attacks

搭配短語:be in full spate

例句:Work was in full spate.



adj. 病毒式的(傳播);病毒性的

相關詞匯:virus(n. 病毒)



n. 對手,敵手

詞根詞綴:ant- / anti-(表示“反對”)


例句:Trump sees Biden as his antagonist in the election.

反義詞:protagonist(n. 主角)



n. 內涵;回聲

搭配短語:the resonance of his voice



v. 管控,監管;維護治安,執行規定

詞性拓展:police(n. 警察)



n. 對等、對應的人或事物

詞性拓展:equivalent(adj. 相等的,等同的)

搭配短語:be equivalent to sth. / sb.

例句:The US Congress is roughly equivalent to the British Parliament.

詞義辨析:equivalent, equal

這兩個形容詞都有“相等的”意思。但是 equal 表示(在數量、大小、程度、價值等方面)完全相同,比如 two lines of equal length 的意思是“兩條等長的線”;而 equivalent 主要側重於在價值、意義、功能、效果等方面相似或相當。

figure of fun


英文釋義:someone who is laughed at unkindly



adj. 厭女的

相關詞匯:misogyny(n. 厭女癥)

英文釋義:hatred of women

反義詞:misandry(n. 厭男癥)



n. 律師

相關詞匯:lawyer(n. 律師)



n. 倡導者,擁護者

詞性拓展:advocate(v. 提倡)

搭配短語:an advocate for / of sth.

搭配短語:an advocate for / of software freedom

wake-up call


英文釋義:If something that happens is a wake-up call, it should make you realize that you need to take action to change a situation.

例句:It is a wake-up call for us.



v. 使有膽量,使有信心

相關詞匯:bold(adj. 勇敢的,大膽的)

詞根詞綴:en- / em-(表示“使變得”)

相關詞匯:enlarge(v. 使變大)

例句:Emboldened by the wine, he went over to introduce himself to her.



v. 使處於不利地位,不公正對待

詞性拓展:disadvantage(n. 不利條件,不利環境)

例句:The meme may disadvantage women.