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aux.(助動詞)敢竟敢n.(名詞)挑戰果敢行為膽量,勇氣挑逗,激將abbr.(縮略詞)Drug Abuse Resistance Education,拒絕吸毒教育v.(動詞)敢於,敢,敢做膽敢,竟敢激,激起,挑激,挑逗敢於承擔,敢於承當,正視敢於對付敢於面對(險),敢冒(險),有勇氣做諒妳不敢,妳敢妳竟敢,妳竟然我想很可能,大概問(某人)有沒有膽量,諒(某人)沒膽量,估計…沒膽量冒險二、雙解釋義

v.(動詞)vt. 敢; 敢做 have the courage; venture; facevt. 向…挑戰,激 challenge; suggest that sb has not the courage or ability to do sthaux.(助動詞)敢,竟敢 have sufficient courage or impudencen.(名詞)[S]激將;挑戰 sth dangerous, difficult or embarrassing that you try to persuade sb to do, to see if they will do it;an invitation to do sth dangerous as a war of proving one's bravery;challenge三、詞典解釋

Dare sometimes behaves like an ordinary verb, for example ‘He dared to speak’ and‘He doesn't dare to speak’ and sometimeslike a modal, for example ‘He daren't speak’.

dare 有時用作普通動詞,如,He dared to speak (他敢講話)和 He doesn't dare to speak (他不敢講話);有時又用作情態動詞,如,He daren't speak (他不敢講話)。1.敢;有足夠的膽量

If you do notdare to do something, you do not have enough courage to do it, or you do not want to do it because you fear the consequences. If youdare to do something, you do something which requires a lot of courage.

e.g. Since he was stuck in a lift a year ago he hasn't dared to get back into one...


e.g. Most people hate Harry but they don'tdare to say so...


You can leave out the wordto afterdare in the above sense.Nobody dared complain. The formdares is never used in a question or in a negative statement. You usedare instead.Dare she tell him?... He dare not enter.

dare 用於以上義項時,其後的 to 可以省略:Nobody dared complain (沒有人敢抱怨)。在疑問句或否定句中,不可用 dares, 而應用 dare:Dare she tell him (她敢告訴他嗎),He dare not enter. (他不敢進去)。2.向…挑戰;激…(做);問…有沒有膽量(做)

If youdare someoneto do something, you challenge them to prove that they are not frightened of doing it.

e.g. Over coffee, she lit a cigarette, her eyes daring him to comment...


e.g. Idare you to sit through forty-five minutes with someone like Vincent!

我想妳絕不敢和文森特這樣的人壹起坐上 45 分鐘!


Adare is a challenge which one person gives to another to do something dangerous or frightening.

e.g. He'd do pretty much anything on adare...


e.g. When found, the children said they'd run away for adare.



If you say to someone 'don't you dare' do something, you are telling them not to do it and letting them know that you are angry.

e.g. Don't speak to me like that. Don't youdare...


e.g. Allen, don't youdare go anywhere else, you hear?


5.(表示震驚和憤怒) 妳竟敢,妳怎麽敢

You say 'how dare you'' when you are very shocked and angry about something that someone has done.

e.g. Howdare you pick up the phone and listen in on my conversations!...


e.g. Suddenly the peace was destroyed by someone shouting, 'Get back! Go away! Howdare you!'



You use 'dare I say it' when you know that what you are going to say will disappoint or annoy someone.

e.g. Politicians usually attract younger women,dare I say it, because of the status they have in society.



You can use 'I dare say' or 'I daresay' before or after a statement to indicate that you believe it is probably true.

e.g. Idare say that the computer would provide a clear answer to that...


e.g. People always think I'm a fool, and Idare say they're right...



The gymnast dared a breathtakingly difficult move.


He dared me to jump over the river.


He dared his grandfather's displeasure when he left the family business.


I would do it if I dared.


Go ahead and dive if you dare.


I dare say you are right.


I dare not touch the flower for its tenderness.


If he dare say such a thing again, I shall knock him down.


Don't worry! I am just trying my dare.


He only entered the competition for a dare.



用作動詞(v.)用作及物動詞S+~+ n./pron.I dared him, but he didn't.

我向他挑戰,可是他不敢應戰。Throw it at him! I dare you!

往他身上扔!我諒妳也不敢!Go on, phone the police. I dare you.

去呀,打電話報警呀。我諒妳也不敢。It's like they're daring us, trying to see how much we can take.

他們像是在試探咱們的膽量,想弄清楚咱們的胃口究竟有多大。He dares any danger.

他敢於冒任何風險。Brave men dare great dangers.

勇敢的人們敢冒最大的危險。He dared his father's displeasure when he left the family business.

他不怕父親不高興,毅然丟下了自家的生意。People dare the power of a dictator.

人們公然反抗獨裁者的權力。He would dare all things in the cause of justice.

要是為了正義,他什麽都不怕。Why didn't you dare it before?

為什麽妳以前不敢做這事?1I will do it if I am dared.

有人敢向我挑戰我就敢做這件事。I cannot suffer to be dared by any.

我這個人就是禁不住人家用激將法來對付我。S+~+(to-) vHe didn't dare to speak to her.

他不敢和她說話。She did not dare to look at him.

她不敢朝他看。They wouldn't dare to be so rude.

他們不敢如此無禮。Who dares to speak for the people?

誰敢為人民說話呢?I wondered how he dared to say such a thing.

我奇怪他怎麽敢說這樣的話。For a long while no one dared even to whisper.

很長壹段時間裏甚至沒有人敢低聲說話。“Does he dare (to) go?”“He dares go.”

“他敢去嗎?”“他敢。”He won't dare deny it.

他不見得敢否認這壹點。Does anyone dare approach that dog?

有誰敢靠近那條狗嗎?Everyone in the office complains that he smells awful but nobody dares actually mention it to him.

辦公室裏的每個人都說他身上有股怪味,但居然沒有敢當面向他提及。I've never dared ask her.

我從來不敢問她。用作賓補動詞S+~+ n./pron. +to- vI dare you to jump over the stream.

我諒妳不敢跳過這條小河。She dared him to dive after her.

她問他有沒有膽量跟著她跳水。I dare you to ask her to dance.

我看妳敢不敢請她跳舞。I dare you to tell your father!

我諒妳也不敢告訴妳父親!I dared him to jump from the bridge into the river.

我用激將法要他從橋上跳入水中。He dared me to walk down Chang'an street in my pyjamas.

他問我有沒有膽量穿睡衣在長安街上行走。I dared him to ask the teacher to give us a holiday tomorrow.

我問他敢不敢請求老師明天給我們壹天假。I dare you to do it again!

諒妳不敢再幹!The old man dared him to steal the bike.

那老頭調唆他去偷那輛自行車。He dared the boy to knock at the old man's door.

他挑逗那孩子去敲那老人的門。其他I can't do that—I simply wouldn't dare.

我不能那樣做——我實在是不敢啊。He was under attack for daring to criticize the Prime Minister.

他竟敢批評總理,因而遭到攻擊。She looked round fiercely, daring them to contradict.

她惡狠狠地環顧四周,有意激他們提出反駁。She waved her fist at him, daring him to come any closer.

她向他揮舞著拳頭,看他還有沒有膽量再靠近她。用作助動詞(aux.)I daren't ask her for a rise.

我不敢要求她加薪。I don't know whether he dare try.

我不知道他是否敢試壹試。She wanted the money badly, but she daren't ask for it.

她急需用錢,但她不敢要。He dare not mention the subject again.

他不敢再提起那個話題。We're so late I daren't look at my watch.

我們太遲了,我連手表都不敢看壹眼。I daren't think how much it's going to cost.

我沒敢想這得花多少錢。He dared not show that he was pleased.

他不敢表示自己覺得高興。Dare you tell him the news?

妳敢告訴他這個消息嗎?I show him my new blouse but I dared not tell him how much it cost.

我給他看了我的新襯衫,但沒敢告訴他花了多少錢買的。There was something, dare I say it, a little unusual about him.

他這人可能有那麽壹點怪。The British singers were, dare I say it, very poor.

這些英國歌手啊,恕我直言,差勁得很咧。用作名詞(n.)I didn't suppose you'd take a dare like that.

我沒有想到妳居然會接受那樣的挑戰。“Why don't you fight him?”“Is that a dare?”

“妳怎麽不跟他打壹架呢?”“妳在激我吧?”I jumped off the wall for a dare.

我接受挑戰從墻上壹躍而下。He jumped in the river at twelve o'clock last night for a dare.

昨天夜裏十二點,他在激將法的鼓動下跳進河裏。When he was 14, he had stayed out all night for a dare.

他14歲時被人激將在外面呆了壹整夜。He climbed onto the roof for a dare.

他受激將才爬上房屋。He said that he had gone into the lion's cage for a dare.

他說他是接受別人的挑戰才鉆進獅籠裏去的。She learned to fly on a dare.

她在激將下學會開飛機。He did it on a dare.


用作動詞 (v.)~+名詞dare any danger敢承擔〔冒〕任何危險~+副詞dare boisterously興高采烈地冒險dare bravely勇敢地冒險dare courageously有勇氣地冒險dare dauntlessly無所畏懼地冒險dare impetuously魯莽地冒險dare impishly頑皮地挑激dare unhesitatingly毫不猶豫地冒險dare virtuously善良地挑激七、詞源解說

☆ 直接源自古英語的durran,意為冒險。dare的相關近義詞



