adj. 關著的
. 展開《21世紀大英漢詞典》
. 折疊《21世紀大英漢詞典》
closed [kl?uzd] vt.close1的變形
1. 不開的,關閉的2. 密閉的,閉路的,封閉的,閉合的3. 閉關自守的;自給自足的;受限制的4. [比喻]不接受新思想的,墨守成規的,守舊的;僵死的5. 不公開的;保密的6. 排外的7. 數學閉的,閉合的;閉路的;閉集的;含全部極限點的8. 語音學閉(音節)的 [參較 open]9. 體育身體前部稍向後轉的(高爾夫球員的擊球姿勢);(跑道)閉式的
close1 [kl?uz]
1. 關,關閉:例句: He closed his eyes.
他閉上眼睛。2. 封閉;封鎖:例句: The workmen closed off the street for repairs.
工人們將大街封鎖進行翻修。3. 塞,堵(裂縫等):例句: to close a gap
堵塞缺口4. 使靠攏;使閉合;使接近:例句: to close the ranks of troops
使列兵靠攏5. 結束;終止;完成:例句: The conference was closed on Oct.25.
會議於10月25日結束。6. 談妥(交易等);辦妥;結清(賬目等):例句: to close a sale on a car
辦妥壹部汽車的出售7. 關店,停止營業:例句: The firm decided to close its Shanghai branch.
這家公司決定將其上海分公司停止營業。8. 航海學靠近,接近:例句: We closed a destroyer at 10 o'clock last night.
我們昨晚十點駛近壹艘驅逐艦。9. 電工學閉合10. [口語] 計算機關閉(指文件等處理結束後的收拾和整理):例句: You have to close your files before you can exit the system.
1. 關閉,關上,合上:例句: The door won't close.
這個門關不上。Many flowers open in the morning and close at night.
很多花都是早晨張開夜晚合上。2. 結束,完結;終止:例句: The post office closes at half past five.
郵局五點半關門。At eleven the meeting closed.
會議於十壹點結束。3. (股票等)收盤:例句: Steel shares closed at £23.
鋼鐵股票收盤價為23英鎊。4. (傷口)愈合:例句: The wound closed up after a week.
壹周以後傷口愈合5. 接近,靠近:例句: The enemy troops were closing in upon the city from three different directions.
敵軍正從三個不同方向逼近該市。6. 扭打;搏鬥:例句: The two men closed with each other in a wrestling encounter.
這兩個漢子在摔跤比賽中互相扭打起來。7. 包圍;圍住;握住:例句: Darkness closed about us.
黑暗籠罩著我們。8. 停業;停課;(戲劇等)停演:例句: Most of the theatres close for summer.
大多數劇院夏季停演。9. 與…達成協議;同意:例句: The two ministers didn't close with each other until near the end of the meeting.
1. 關閉2. 結束;終止3. 結尾,結局4. [古語]扭打,格鬥
end . conclude . finish . complete . terminate .
begin . start . commence .
1. bring…to a close(或 to an end)完成;結束;使終止2. close to home觸到痛處;說得太露骨3. come to a close結束;終止4. draw to a close= come to a close
以上來源於: 《21世紀大英漢詞典》英漢翻譯 英英翻譯
closed [kl?uzd]
1. not open or affording passage or access例句: the many closed streets made travel difficultour neighbors peeped from behind closed curtains
2. (set theory) of an interval that contains both its endpoints3. not open4. used especially of mouth or eyes例句: he sat quietly with closed eyes
5. requiring union membership例句: a closed shop
6. with shutters closed7. not open to the general public例句: a closed meeting
8. not having an open mind例句: a closed mind unreceptive to new ideas
9. blocked against entry例句: a closed porch