/ ?m?ut?ve?t; ˋmot?vet/ v
[Tn usu passive 通常用於被動語態態] be the reason for (sb's action); cause (sb) to act in a particular way; inspire 作為(某人行為)的動機; 使(某人)以某方式行事: be motivated by greed, fear, love, etc 受貪欲﹑ 恐懼﹑ 愛等驅使.
[Tn, Cn.t] stimulate the interest of (sb); cause to want to do sth 激發(某人)的興趣; 使欲做某事物: a teacher who can motivate her pupils (to work harder) 善於誘導學生(努力學習)的教師. > motivated adj: a politically motivated murder 出於政治動機的謀殺 * be highly motivated, ie very keen to do sth 有高度積極性(非常熱衷於做某事物). motivation / ?m?ut?ve?n; ?mot?ˋve?n/n [C, U]: the basic financial motivations for the decision 做出該決定的基本上在財務方面的考慮 * They lack the motivation to study. 他們缺乏學習的積極性.
inspire / ?n?spa?(r); ?nˋspa?r/ v
[Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.t] ~ sb (to sth) fill sb with the ability or urge to do, feel, etc sth beyond his usual ability, esp to write, paint, compose, etc 賦予某人靈感(尤指寫作﹑ 繪畫﹑ 作曲 等); 啟示; 啟迪: His noble example inspired the rest of us to greater efforts. 他那高尚的榜樣激發我們大家更加努力. * The Lake District scenery inspired Wordsworth to write his greatest poetry. 英格蘭湖區的美景給了華茲華斯靈感而創作出他最偉大的詩篇.
[Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (with sth)/~ sth (in sb) fill sb with thoughts, feelings or aims 激勵或鼓舞某人: Our first sight of the dingy little hotel did not inspire us with much confidence/inspire much confidence in us. 我們壹見到那旅店昏暗骯臟, 心裏就很不痛快. * inspire hope, loyalty, enthusiasm, etc in sb 燃起某人的希望﹑ 喚起某人的忠誠﹑ 激起某人的熱情 * gloomy statistics which inspired panic in the stock market/among the stockbrokers 在證券市場[證券經紀人]中引起恐慌的令人沮喪的統計數字.