gardens
of
babylon
巴格達空中花園
雙語對照
詞典結果:
Hanging
Gardens
of
Babylon
空中花園(古巴比倫王國的世界七大奇觀之壹);
以上結果來自金山詞霸
例句:
1.
The
other
original
seven
wonders
of
the
ancient
world
were
the
hanging
gardens
of
babylon;
the
statue
of
zeus
at
olympia;
the
temple
of
artemis
at
ephesus;
the
mausoleum
at
halicarnassus;
the
colossus
of
rhodes
and
the
lighthouse
of
alexandria.
原七大奇觀還有巴比倫空中花園、奧林匹亞宙斯像、以弗所阿提密斯神殿、毛索洛斯墓廟、羅德斯島巨像和法洛斯燈塔。