eg. the sensitive skin of a baby(嬰兒嬌嫩的皮膚)
2.sensitive to sth很受影響的,易受影響的,敏感的
eg.Photographic paper is highly sensitive to light.
eg. A frail and sensitive child(壹個嬌裏嬌氣的孩子)
4(褒義) 有細膩情感的,同情理解的
eg. an actor's sensitive reading of a poem
eg. When I need advice, he is a helpful and sensitive friend
5。sensitive to sth指儀器等敏感的
eg. a sensitive thermometer(敏感的溫度計)
eg. a sensitive issue race relations(需要慎重對待的種族關系問題)
呵呵~~~ 電子詞典上的,幫妳選了幾個比較有代表性的例子,希望能給妳帶來點幫助~