1. Java is the primary language for the eclipse platform
2. Whose mother tongue or primary language is putonghua or cantonese
3. English is regarded as the primary language of the global information economy and the language for the internet
4. And german was spoken by most people in riga as one of its threeprimary languages , along with latvian and russian
5. A windows language identifier corresponds to a combination of windowsprimary language and sublanguage identifiers
6. Find reference documentation here on multidimensional expressions , theprimary language for retrieving olap information
從本節可以查找有關多維表達式( mdx ) (用於檢索olap信息的主要語言)的參考文檔。
7. Find reference information here on data mining extensions , the primary language for retrieving data mining information
從本節查找有關數據挖掘擴展( dmx ) (用於檢索數據挖掘信息的主要語言)的參考信息。
8. Already , a fifth of the nation ' s population speaks something other than english as their primary language ( in some areas , it ' s two - fifths )
有1 / 5 (有些地區甚至是2 / 5 )的美國人口以英語以外的語言為主要語言。
9. If no specific language dialect is found , the microsoft full - text engine for sql msftesql service will automatically switch to the primary language
如果未找到特定語言的方言, sql ( msftesql )服務的microsoft全文引擎將自動切換到主要語言。