n. 房屋;全家人;(從事某種生意的)公司;(英國)下議院
v. 給…提供住房;收藏;安置
網 絡
房子; 豪斯醫生; 家; 房屋 復數:houses 過去式:housed 過去分詞:housed 現在分詞:houseing 第三人稱單數:houses
柯林斯高階英漢雙解學習詞典 現代英漢綜合大詞典 英漢雙向大詞典
Pronounced /ha?s/ for the noun and adjective, and /ha?z/ for the verb. The form houses is pronounced /'ha?z?z/. 名詞和形容詞讀作 /ha?s/,動詞讀作 /ha?z/。houses 讀作/'ha?z?z/。
1. N-COUNT 可數名詞房屋;房子;住宅 A house is a building in which people live, usually the people belonging to one family.
She has moved to a smaller house.
...her parents' house in Warwickshire.
2. N-SING 單數名詞住在壹幢房子裏的人;壹家人 You can refer to all the people who live together in a house as the house . 搭配模式:usu the NIf he set his alarm clock for midnight, it would wake the whole house...
So I grew up with that feeling that the man is the head of the house.
3. N-COUNT 可數名詞(用於餐飲場所的名稱)餐廳,館,屋 House is used in the names of types of places where people go to eat and drink. 搭配模式:n N...a steak house.
...an old Salzburg coffee house.
4. N-COUNT 可數名詞(尤用於出版、借貸或服裝設計等公司的名稱)公司,商行 House is used in the names of types of companies, especially ones which publish books, lend money, or design clothes. 搭配模式:n NMany of the clothes come from the world's top fashion houses...
Eventually she was fired from her job at a publishing house.
5. N-IN-NAMES 名稱名詞(用於辦公樓、私宅或豪宅名稱)大樓,大廈,大宅 House is sometimes used in the names of office buildings and large private homes or expensive houses. 搭配模式:n N
語域標簽:mainly BRIT 主英I was to go to the very top floor of Bush House in Aldwych.
...Harewood House near Leeds.
6. N-COUNT 可數名詞(英國)上(或下)議院;(美國)眾議院 You can refer to the two main bodies of Britain's parliament and the United States of America's legislature as the House or a House.
Some members of the House and Senate worked all day yesterday...
The Republicans have majorities in both Houses.
7. N-SING 單數名詞全體辯論者;所有辯手 You can refer to all the people at a debate as the house . 搭配模式:the/this N
語域標簽:BRIT 英
語域標簽:FORMAL 正式The club is planning a public debate on 'This house believes that journalism has not gained from the introduction of new technology'.
8. N-COUNT 可數名詞(英國學校中為進行體育競賽等所劃分的)組,社 In a British school, a house is a group of children of different ages who compete against other groups in sports and other activities. Each house usually has a name.
He was a prefect and house captain.
9. N-COUNT 可數名詞貴族;名門望族;(尤指)王室,王族 A house is a family which has been or will be important for many generations, especially the family of a king or queen. 搭配模式:with supp...the Saudi Royal House.
...the House of Windsor.
10. N-COUNT 可數名詞(劇場、影院或其他娛樂場所的)觀眾席;全體觀眾 The house is the part of a theatre, cinema, or other place of entertainment where the audience sits. You can also refer to the audience at a particular performance as the house.
They played in front of a packed house.
11. ADJ 形容詞(餐館裏的葡萄酒)廉價佐餐的,未列入酒水單的 A restaurant's house wine is the cheapest wine it sells, which is not listed by name on the wine list. 搭配模式:ADJ nTweed ordered a carafe of the house wine.
...a bottle of house red or white.
12. VERB 動詞為…提供房屋(或住所) To house someone means to provide a house or flat for them to live in. 語法信息:V n
語法信息:V n adv/prepPart III of the Housing Act 1985 imposes duties on local authorities to house homeless people...
Regrettably we have to house families in these inadequate flats.
13. VERB 動詞安置;容納;作為…之用 A building or container that houses something is the place where it is located or from where it operates. 語法信息:V n
搭配模式:no contThe ch?teau itself is open to the public and houses a museum of motorcycles and cars...
Many years later, the temple erected in her name was used to house the Roman mint.
14. VERB 動詞(建築物)供…居住,供…下榻 If you say that a building houses a number of people, you mean that is the place where they live or where they are staying. 語法信息:V n
搭配模式:no contThe building will house twelve boys and eight girls...
Their villas housed army officers now.
15. See also: boarding house; chapter house; clearing house; council house; doll's house; full house; open house; opera house; public house; Wendy house; White House;
16. PHRASE 短語(人、表演或演講)博得全場喝彩,引得哄堂大笑 If a person or their performance or speech brings the house down, the audience claps, laughs, or shouts loudly because the performance or speech is very impressive or amusing. 搭配模式:V inflects
STYLE標簽:INFORMAL 非正式It's really an amazing dance. It just always brings the house down.
17. PHRASE 短語很快就打得火熱;壹見如故;壹拍即合 If two people get on like a house on fire, they quickly become close friends, for example because they have many interests in common. 搭配模式:V inflects
STYLE標簽:INFORMAL 非正式18. PHRASE 短語(不出去工作而)操持家務,當家 If you keep house, you do the cleaning and cooking for your household, and do not go out to work. 搭配模式:V inflectsHe lives with an aunt who keeps house for him.
19. PHRASE 短語(餐館或酒吧)免費招待的 If you are given something in a restaurant or bar on the house, you do not have to pay for it. 搭配模式:v-link PHRThe owner knew about the engagement and brought them glasses of champagne on the house.
20. PHRASE 短語管好自己的事;處理好自身問題 If someone gets their house in order ,puts their house in order, or sets their house in order, they arrange their affairs and solve their problems. 搭配模式:V inflectsSome think Stempel's departure will help the company get its financial house in order...
The challenge for American leadership is this: Can we put our economic house in order?...
Before you lecture me, Mr Abbey, I suggest you set your house in order.