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forecast scenarios是什麽意思

如果樓上的forecast scenarios 源自 管理理念如 MRP (Material Resources Planning),那麽可以如下翻譯會專業壹些。

Forecast Scenarios(預測場景/預測方案):

You have three forecast sets named SET–A, SET–B, and SET–C. These forecast sets represent different scenarios. SET–A is the forecast for the best–case scenario year of sales, while SET–B is the planned scenario year of sales. SET–C shows the worst–case scenario year of sales. You may want to maintain all three forecast sets simultaneously, so you can compare and contrast the effect each has on your material plan.


有三個預測集,名稱分別為 SET-A,SET-B 和 SET-C。這些預測集代表不同的方案。SET-A 是年銷售預測最佳方案,而 SET-B 是年銷售預測計劃方案,SET-C 顯示年銷售預測最差方案。您可能需要同時維護全部三個預測集,以便可以比較和對比每個預測對物料計劃的影響。