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wear1 ['wε?]


1. 穿(衣服等);戴(首飾等);佩(武器等):例句: On the first day he went to school,the boy wore his school cap proudly.

上學的第壹天,男孩驕傲地戴上了他的校帽。(為顯示身份等)佩帶著:例句: to wear the heavyweight crown

帶著沈甸甸的王冠穿著流行的時裝;打扮:例句: a style that is much worn

非常流行的式樣2. (面容等)顯出,呈現:例句: to wear a smile

面帶笑容3. 裝著,帶著:例句: to wear dentures

戴假牙4. 蓄留著(須、發等):例句: to wear a beard

蓄胡須5. (船)升(旗);掛(旗):例句: The ship is wearing its colours.

那條船掛著船旗。6. 消耗;削弱,減少;耗損,磨損(常與 away 連用):例句: The footsteps of thousands of visitors had worn away the steps of Mountain Tai.

數以千計的遊客的腳步磨損了泰山上的臺階。7. 用成,磨成;擦成:例句: to wear a coat to rags

把外套穿得破爛不堪8. 磨出,擦出:例句: to wear a hole in the sole of one's shoe

鞋底磨出了洞9. 使疲乏,使筋疲力盡;折磨:例句: to be worn down with fatigue

因勞累而疲乏不堪10. 消磨(時間)(常與away或 out 連用):例句: to wear away the night in dancing

以跳舞打發夜晚時光11. 使形成習慣12. [口語][常用於否定句]接受,允許:例句: “I was going to go boating with my classmates this Sunday,but I don't think my father will wear it,”the boy told me.



1. 磨損,變舊,突破;用壞:例句: shoes that have begun to wear

已經開始磨破的鞋2. 經穿,耐磨:例句: a suit that wears well

壹套經穿的衣服3. 逐漸變得:例句: courage that is wearing thin

日益變小的膽量4. (時間等)逐漸流逝(常與away或 on 連用):例句: The year wore on.

壹年即將過去。5. 刺激;使煩躁;使筋疲力盡(與on連用):例句: noise wearing on his nerves

刺激他神經的噪音6. [廢語]流行


1. 穿,穿著;佩戴;使用2. 穿戴的東西;衣服,服裝3. 流行的時裝;入時的打扮4. 磨損;損耗損耗量5. 耐久性;耐用性,耐磨性


1. Better to wear out than rust out.[諺語]與其銹掉,不如用壞;與其閑死,不如忙死。[亦作 Better wear out than rust out.]2. come into wear時興,風行,成為流行式樣3. fair wear and tear正常損耗,正常磨損4. in general wear(服裝等)流行的,時興的,時髦的5. in wear(服裝等)時髦的;經常穿著的6. the worse for wear

a. 穿破,用壞

b. [委婉語]用酒過量

c. 疲憊不堪,不舒服7. wear the pants (或trousers)[口語]掌權當家8. wear thin

a. 穿薄,磨薄

b. 變弱,減少;逐漸消失

c. 失去吸引力;變得乏味;變為陳舊的



wear2 ['wε?] vt.調轉(船)向下風(tack 之對)vi.(船)轉向下風n.調轉船向下風



以上來源於: 《21世紀大英漢詞典》