當前位置:成語大全網 - 英語詞典 - thesaurus是什麽意思



lick the Dictionary or?Thesaurus?button on the Compose or Read Message pages.單擊“撰寫”或“閱讀郵件”頁上的“詞典”或“同義詞辭典”按鈕.

Thesaurus. Semantic Web. Simple Knowledge Organization System. SKOS. Chinese Archival?Thesaurus. ;主題詞表;語義網;簡約知識組織系統;SKOS; 《中國檔案主題詞表》;

We first construct a named entity?thesaurus?based on the information on the web.在此基礎上,我們首先通過網絡資源建立了實體名詞典知識庫.

Use English dictionary&?thesaurus?and learn the word, its derivatives, synonyms, antonyms.經常查字典和同義詞詞典,學壹個詞還要學他的衍生詞、近義詞、反義詞。

It achieves the aim of hiding secret information in text files by replacing?thesaurus.通過同義詞的替換來實現秘密信息的隱藏。