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享受生活 不忘使命怎麽翻譯


享受生活 不忘使命怎麽翻譯

Enjoy your life and Remember the missions.

Enjoy the life and keep missions firmly in mind


學習是個循序漸進、長期的過程,我會在知識的寶庫中不斷探索,豐富自我。去年暑假,我參加了職場體驗活動,我從中受益匪淺,獲得了真正的社會技能,這也正是這種活動的意義所在吧。Learning is a gradual and long-term process. I will explore and enrich myslef in the treasury of knowledge. Last summer vocation, I participated in a career experience activity and really learned a lot, acquiring practical society techniques. This is what the meaning of the activity must be.

除了課外實踐活動,我還通過課外閱讀來凈化自己的靈魂。正如凱勒所說:壹本好書像壹艘船,帶領我們從狹隘的地方駛向無限廣闊的生活海洋。所以我挑選了課外名著如《傲慢與偏見》《紅高粱》等圖書開闊我的視野。Besides after-class practical activity, my soul gets purified through extracurricular reading. Just as Caylor said, a new book is like a boat steering people from a narrow stream to a vast ocean of life.So I specially chose masterpieces like Pride and Prejudice, Red Sorghum, etc to expand/widen my vision.


I do exercises every day to keep fit and vigorous. All in all, we shall make all round development of morality, intelligence, physique and art, etc.
