Product synopsis
[ Synopsis ] the amorphopallus riveri is one kind of growth inthe elevation 800 - 2,500 meters tropics and the subtropicsmountainous areas perennial herb. Because the amorphopallus riveri hasthe quite special request to the habitat, places such as the Americasand Europe have not at present planted successfully, the amorphopallusriveri although distributes south Southeast Asia, Africa and ourcountry many provincial capital areas, but with contains the nutritioningredient from the planter scale to look at the amorphopallus riveriquality which or our country Yunnan plants well, at present countryand so on Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Europe and America needsthe amorphopallus riveri product are most all is exports from Yunnan.But the amorphopallus riveri although has more than 2,000 years inChina to plant the history, but the amorphopallus riveri meals textilefiber processing only is the 80's intermediate stages only thenstarts. Also has more than 1,500 years planter and the edible historyin Japan, but its amorphopallus riveri meals textile fiber processinghistory already had dozens of years history, therefore theamorphopallus riveri rubber meals textile fiber compared to domestichad to outdo in the date Han Xin receptivity many.
According to "Native Chinese Plants" records, more than 2,000 yearsago our ancestor uses for the amorphopallus riveri to treat anillness. After the scientific researcher, the amorphopallus riveriincludes 16 kind of amino acids, ten kind of mineral substance, thetrace element and the rich food textile fiber, enhance the immunity,the preventing and controlling colitis, the knot cancer of theintestines, the breast cancer has the special effect; Theamorphopallus riveri low fat, the low sugar do not have the quantityof heat, to prevents with the treatment obesity, the hypertension, thediabetes crowd, may say is one kind both the full luck of having goodthings to eat, and can treat an illness healthy body superior food,but also may prevent and control the many kinds of stomachs digestingsystem the many kinds of common old disease. Thus it can be seen, theamorphopallus riveri is one kind extremely suits the modern crowd tohave hundred advantages not to have the high quality health foodswhich as soon as harms.
[ Product synopsis ] Kang post TM 18 adds - the amorphopallus riverimeals textile fiber series product is dozens of homes well-knownexperts passes through more than 10 year unremitting diligentlytechnical achievement, has filled the domestic this product blank.This product selects the bead bud amorphopallus riveri which Yunnan isin sole possession of to take the main raw material, the applicationmodern bio-engineering technology production processing becomes. Themain superiority manifests in 1, the planter aspect: The our companyplants the bead bud amorphopallus riveri besides oneself, but alsoguides the soil ingredient to achieve reaches the request the localpeasant household plants the bead bud amorphopallus riveri. Thecompany provides for it completely manages the technology, and isresponsible for bead bud amorphopallus riveri's sowing seeds, theplanter, the recovery which its plants carries on the entire journeymonitoring management. 2nd, extraction technology aspect: The ourcompany produces the complete amorphopallus riveri product uses on thepresent international most advanced water extraction technology,withdraws effective component high quality, completely, moreovercannot have two times of pollution, is the amorphopallus riveriprofession does not only have the sulfur, does not have the pollution,the pure natural organic foods. 3rd, its convenience carries thecharacteristic which, fast dissolves extremely to suit the modernpeople quick rhythm life the demand, will become the brand-new生活品 archery target to manifest.
After [ effect ] this product main active principle edible causes theperson not to digest in the stomach, can effectively adsorb thecholesterol and the bile acid, and can suppress the intestinal tractto the cholesterol and the bile acid absorption. Has falls the fat,falls the blood pressure, whets the appetite, the bowel movement,guards against function and so on cancer. At the same time, cannotdigests because of it by people's saliva absorption and the amylopsinhydrolisis the absorption, therefore to the digestive tract, the heartblood vessel of brain system disease, the hemorrhoids, loses weight,raises the face and so on all to have the remarkable effect. Belowgenerally speaking has eight big effects:
* Loses weight: Its active principle formed in the gastro-intestinaltract has been able the selective absorption function, has avoided tothe fat, the fat contour quantity of heat matter absorption. Thustakes the amorphopallus riveri product to lose weight into the presentEurope and America, specially is date Han and so on the developedcountry, likes to look good best loses weight the way which the publicfigure esteemed.
* Row of poisonous bowel movement: Its rich cellulose, helps theactive intestinal tract function, effectively stimulates theintestines wall, maintains the intestinal tract to be neat, speeds updrains in vivo harmful toxin, may prevent and reduce the intestinaltract system disease pathological change formation rate. Inside andoutside to prevents and controls the hemorrhoids effect to get quickresults (in Japanese, the Southeast Asia area has "intestinal tract清道夫" fine reputation).
* Clean stomach: The massive soluble vegetable fiber promotion stomachand intestines wriggle, may reduce the deleterious substance in thestomach and intestines, the gallbladder assists the dead time,effectively protects 胃粘膜, clean stomach wall.
* Sobers up: Its active principle in the stomach, the intestinal tractfast forms the protective film, thus massive will reduce the body tothe ethyl alcohol and so on not the good ingredient absorbancy, andbecause its richly will contain the Portuguese Gansu polyose (KGM) theingredient will be able to promote the body to the ethyl alcoholmetabolism, therefore after drinking wine, will take the amorphopallusriveri product to be able to get up protects the body to exempt theethyl alcohol harm
* The disease prevents and controls: The amorphopallus riverimannan may suppress by the medical arena full proof the cholesterol,falls the blood fats, falls heart blood vessel of brain system diseaseand so on blood sugar, expansion blood vessel, preventionarteriosclerosis, quite has prolongs the life the effect.
* Guards against the diabetes: In amorphopallus riveri's vegetablefiber by the medicine was proven has in the increase blood theinsulin, reduces the blood sugar, to controls, prevents and treats thediabetes to have the extremely good auxiliary effect.
* Improvement human body internal secretion metabolism: Theamorphopallus riveri polysaccharide has the adjustment or balances invivo many physiologies and the metabolism function, takes for a longtime to the human body internal secretion metabolism may have thedistinct improvement.
* Makes up the calcium: In amorphopallus riveri gelatin food containsthe calcium quantity to be high, approximately 43 milligrams, alsocontain the calcium ingredient extremely easily by the human bodyabsorption, makes up the calcium effect 頗佳.