問題二:川劇變臉用英語怎麽說阿 face off in sichuan opera
川劇 Sichuan opera
變臉 suddenly turn hostile
舞臺藝術精品工程 川劇 變臉 change facial masks
川劇 sichuan opera
劇變 abrupt change; catacly *** ; catastrophe; revulsion; shake-up; upheavement
變臉色 change one's countenance
大變臉 the great change
劇變,厭惡 revulsion
川劇集錦 local operas in sichuan province
變臉驚情 apri gli occhi; bin lim mai ching; open your eyes; ouvre les yeux
變臉迷情 devil face, angel heart
改變臉形 change the face shape; changethefaceshape
金鑰匙-川劇彈戲 golden key
問題三:變臉用英語怎麽說要名詞 變臉
[詞典] suddenly turn hostile; [電影] Face Off;
Fast mask-changing is unique to Sichuan Opera performance.
問題四:變臉用英語怎麽說 哈哈今天剛學
face changing
問題五:美國電影《變臉》內容簡介英文翻譯 Sean Archer, a very tough, rugged FBI Agent, who is still grieving for his dead son Michael. Archer believes that his son's killer is his sworn enemy, a very powerful criminal, Castor Troy. One day, Archer finally cornered Castor, however, their fight has knocked out Troy cold. As Archer finally breathes easy over the capture of his enemy, he finds out that Troy has planted a bomb that will destroy the entire city of Los Angeles and all of its inhabitants. Unfortunately the only other person who knows its location is Castor's brother Pollux, and he refuses to talk. The solution: a special operation doctor that can cut off people's faces and can place a person's face onto another person. Archer undergoes one of those surgeries to talk to Pollux. However, Castor Troy somehow regains consciousness and now wants revenge on Archer for taking his face. Not only is Troy ruining Archer's mission, but his personal life as well. Archer must stop Troy again. This time, it's personal.
問題六:川劇變臉用英語怎麽說阿? face off