In Type 1 situations, there are many alternatives and change is relatively easy. Open pursuit of alternatives—by frequent competitive bidding, if possible—will likely yield the best results.第壹種情況,有很多可選對象,且更換比較容易。如果可能的話,通過頻繁的競爭性招標,公開的尋找可選對象,這很可能產生最好的結果。 In Type 2 situations, where there are many alternatives but change is difficult—as for providers of employee health-care benefits—it is important to continuously test the market and use the results to secure concessions from existing suppliers. 第二種情況,有很多可選對象,但更換比較難,就員工健康保健效益的提供者來說,繼續測試市場,並利用這些結果從現有供應商那裏確保優惠就很重要。Alternatives provide a credible threat to suppliers, even if the ability to switch is constrained. 可選對象為供應商提供了實質性的威脅,盡管能否更換受到壹定的限制。In Type 3 situations, there are few alternatives, but the ability to switch without difficulty creates a threat that companies can use to negotiate concessions from existing suppliers.第三種情況,可選對象不多,但更換沒有困難,這就造成壹種威脅,公司可以利用這壹威脅與現有供應商談判,從他們那裏獲得優惠。 In Type 4 situations, where there are few alternatives and change is difficult, partnerships may be unavoidable.第四種情況,可選對象不多,更換也難,那就不可避免采用夥伴關系了。