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In corporate purchasing, competitive scrutiny is typically limited to suppliers of items that are directly related to end products. 在公司采購中,競爭性的仔細檢查壹般僅限於與最終產品有關的項目供應商。With “indirect” purchases (such as computers, advertising, and legal services), which are not directly related to production, corporations often favor “supplier partnerships” (arrangements in which the purchaser forgoes the right to pursue alternative suppliers), which can inappropriately shelter suppliers from rigorous competitive scrutiny that might afford the purchaser economic leverage. 就“間接”采購來說(比如計算機、廣告、和法律服務等),它們和生產沒有直接關系,公司往往喜歡“供應商夥伴關系”(買方放棄尋找可選供貨商的權利的安排),這會不適當地讓供應商逃避嚴格的競爭性仔細檢查,而這本來可給予買方以經濟的杠桿。There are two independent variables—availability of alternatives and ease of changing suppliers—that companies should use to evaluate the feasibility of subjecting suppliers of indirect purchases to competitive scrutiny. 有兩個獨立的變量,公司應該用來評估使間接采購的供應商接受競爭性仔細的可行性,它們是:可選對象的可得性,以及更換供應商的難易。This can create four possible situations. 這會產生四種可能的情況。

In Type 1 situations, there are many alternatives and change is relatively easy. Open pursuit of alternatives—by frequent competitive bidding, if possible—will likely yield the best results.第壹種情況,有很多可選對象,且更換比較容易。如果可能的話,通過頻繁的競爭性招標,公開的尋找可選對象,這很可能產生最好的結果。 In Type 2 situations, where there are many alternatives but change is difficult—as for providers of employee health-care benefits—it is important to continuously test the market and use the results to secure concessions from existing suppliers. 第二種情況,有很多可選對象,但更換比較難,就員工健康保健效益的提供者來說,繼續測試市場,並利用這些結果從現有供應商那裏確保優惠就很重要。Alternatives provide a credible threat to suppliers, even if the ability to switch is constrained. 可選對象為供應商提供了實質性的威脅,盡管能否更換受到壹定的限制。In Type 3 situations, there are few alternatives, but the ability to switch without difficulty creates a threat that companies can use to negotiate concessions from existing suppliers.第三種情況,可選對象不多,但更換沒有困難,這就造成壹種威脅,公司可以利用這壹威脅與現有供應商談判,從他們那裏獲得優惠。 In Type 4 situations, where there are few alternatives and change is difficult, partnerships may be unavoidable.第四種情況,可選對象不多,更換也難,那就不可避免采用夥伴關系了。