1. soldier
2. warrior
3. fighter
<paladin> <combatant> <martialist> <champion> <men in blue>
1. 他既是個戰士,又是個詩人。
He is both a soldier and a poet.
2. 古代的戰士們通常用長矛和盾牌戰鬥。
Soldiers in ancient time usually fight with pikes and shields.
3. 戰士們攻擊敵人的左翼。
The soldiers attacked the left flank of the enemy.
4. 這個戰士象獅子壹樣勇猛。
The soldier is as brave as a lion.
5. 戰士們唱起了歌頌他們英勇戰鬥的凱歌。
The soldiers sang a song of victory, describing their prowess in battle.
6. 他的兒子是騎兵團的壹名戰士。
His son is a soldier in a cavalry regiment.
7. 那些戰士都裹著綁腿。
Those soldiers all wear leggings.
8. 那些死去的戰士被埋葬在墳墓裏。
Those dead soldiers were buried in the tombs.