mistake mis.take[m?`st?k; miˋst?ik]《源自古北歐語“誤取”的意思》
1 錯,錯誤; 誤會,誤解(→ error同義字)grammatical ~s文法上的錯誤There is no ~ about it.絕對不會錯It's a ~ to think that you can get away with it.如果以為妳能免受懲罰,那就錯了I made a ~ about the time.我弄錯了時間
and no mistake(口語) [加強前述之語句] 確實,沒錯
You are fool, and no ~ !.妳真是個傻瓜 [妳是個傻瓜,沒有錯] !
beyond mistake確實,的確,沒錯by mistake由於錯誤,誤…,錯…I have taken someone's umbrella by ~.我錯拿了某人的雨傘
in mistake for?誤以為…,錯當做…I took his umbrella in ~ for mine.我誤以為是我的而拿了他的雨傘
make no mistake絕對沒有錯,絲毫不可懷疑Make no ~, it's got to be done. (口語)確確實實; 這件事必須做
及物動詞(mis.took[m s`tk; mi'stuk]; mistak.en[-`stek~n; -'steik~n])
1 a. 弄錯,誤解,想錯,將…解釋錯She has mistaken me [my meaning].她誤解了我的話 [意思]
b. 弄錯,誤解,想錯,將…解釋錯There can be no mistaking what he meant by it.他那句話的意思很明白 (不會讓人誤解)
2 a. 看錯
b. 將…誤認[為…],把…錯看 [錯當] [做…][for]I mistook the stick for a snake.我把那根棒子錯看成蛇了