當前位置:成語大全網 - 新華字典 - CAD中文字查找替換功能如何用VBA實現



dim strDwgName As String

dim strFind As String

dim strReplace As String

Dim ent As AcadEntity

For Each ent In Thisdrawing.ModelSpace

If TypeOf ent Is AcadText Or TypeOf ent Is AcadMText Then

With ent

If InStr(.TextString, strFind) Then .TextString = ReplaceStr(.TextString, strFind, strReplace, False)

End With

End If

Next ent


strFind = "耳板"

Dim objBlkRef As AcadBlockReference

Dim varAttributes '取得塊屬性,顯示屬性標簽和值

For Each ent In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace

If TypeOf ent Is AcadBlockReference Then

Set objBlkRef = ent

varAttributes = objBlkRef.GetAttributes

If UBound(varAttributes) Then

For i = 0 To UBound(varAttributes)

If varAttributes(i).TextString = strFind Then

varAttributes(i).TextString = "strFind"

End If

Next i

End If

End If

Next ent
