當前位置:成語大全網 - 新華字典 - foud 是什麽意思?為什麽字典上都查不到? foud place

foud 是什麽意思?為什麽字典上都查不到? foud place

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結果:The specied URL cannot be foud(從句子意思上看應該是found)

A monitor problem has benn foud.(從句子意思上看應該是found)

/fan_yi/foud/ (本網頁純粹害人)



* 1. foud: 喜愛的 | 資金

* 2. THANK GOD I FOUD YOU: 感謝上蒼找到妳 (從句子意思上看應該是found)

* 3. FOUD Display current sales adjustments: 顯示當前銷售調整(從句子意思上看應該是fund, 資金)

例句 (以下例句中,從句子意思上看都應該是found)

* 1.We walked through the huge parking area, went down the street and foud a city park laying behind the street. 我們穿過停車場,沿著馬路直徑走到了城市公園。

* 2.By the analysis of Review on Fuyi, I try to find the logic and the purpose of the literature study of Wen Yi-duo was foud. 細讀《伏羲考》,可以見出聞壹多文學史研究的學術路徑和學術設想。

* 3.South Jiangsu and north Zhejiang country of Five Dynasties and South Song Dynasty were all have foud the capital in Hangzhou. 作為炎黃子孫,還可以去拜謁黃帝陵。五代時的吳越國和南宋均曾在杭州建都



Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary

[edit] English

[edit] Etymology

From Old Norse fōgeti, cognate with German Vogt, from Latin vocatus from vocare (“to call”).

[edit] Noun

foud (plural fouds)

1. (UK, Shetland and Orkney) A bailiff or magistrate. ?[quotations ▲]

* 1983, Paul Thompson, Tony Wailey and Trevor Lummis, History Workshop Series: Living the Fishing, Routledge & Kegan Paul,

From the twelfth century Shetland had been administered directly by the Norwegian crown through the 'foud', rather than forming part of the patrimony of a great aristocratic estate. The foud appointed 'underfouds' and the Shetlands evolved their own elected officers, a 'lawman' and parish 'lawrightmen', who adjudicated and negotiated the collection of customary taxes and fines on behalf of the local population.
