所以想請英語好的朋友幫我分析壹下這句英文的語法是什麽結構,特別是用take ,還有用my來表示,很不懂,謝謝!
同樣的例句還有另外壹句:But you said you would take my picture free.
當我在句中看到take 和my 時,就有壹種這句話是被動句的感覺,不理解這是什麽語法,請幫忙分析壹下,謝謝!
答:句法結構:這是壹個簡單句。sb. offered to do sth. 某人主動提出要做某事。
to take my picture on his camel 照壹張我在他的駱駝上的照片。
壹種是我拿著相機,拍風景照或給別人拍照,則說:I took a picture of the bridge. I took a picture of Alice.
後者也可以說成:I took Alice's picture.
另壹種是我讓人家給我拍:I had a pictue taken on the bridge. I had my picture taken on the bridge.
請註意,這裏的take 的邏輯主語是a local, 不是I.