當前位置:成語大全網 - 新華字典 - 雙語閱讀:估值是全球經濟的幾十萬倍,這顆小行星為啥這麽值錢?




據《福布斯》報道,哈勃太空望遠鏡捕捉到了代號為“16 Psyche”小行星的清晰影像,這是我們知道的最有價值的小行星之壹,對這顆小行星的估值有些高達1千萬萬億美元。為了方便大家理解,我們換個角度來看,在2019年,全球經濟的總價值約為142萬億美元。






Hubble - 哈勃空間望遠鏡(以美國著名天文學家哈勃命名)

examine - v. 檢查,探測

asteroid - n. 小行星

global - adj. 全球的

economy - n. 經濟

existence - n. 存在

Forbes - 福布斯(美國的壹本商業雜誌)

quadrillion - num. 千萬億,1 quadrillion = 1000 trillion

trillion - num. 萬億,1 trillion = 1000 billion

billion - num. 十億,1 billion = 1000 million

starter - n. 開胃小菜

for starters - 首先,第壹,作為開端

rare - adj. 稀少的,珍貴的

meteorite - n. 隕石

metal - n. 金屬

iron - n. 鐵

nickel - n. 鎳

planetary - adj. 行星的

Mars - n. 火星(有望下壹站移民的行星)

Jupiter - n. 木星(太陽系中最大的行星)

dense - adj. 密集的,濃重的,密度大的

metallic - adj. 金屬的

protoplanet - n. 原行星

planet - n. 行星

Earth - n. 地球

compose - v. 組成,構成

composed of - 由 ... 構成

formation - n. 形成,形成物

destroy - v. 摧毀,破壞,毀滅

mantle - n. 地幔

crust - n. 地殼

orbiter - n. 軌道飛行器

NASA - 美國國家航空航天局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration的縮寫)

map - v. 繪制 ... 的地圖,了解信息

unique - adj. 獨特的,特有的

property - n. 屬性

stuff - n. 東西





Hubble Examines Asteroid That's Worth More Than the Global Economy

Gabrielle Olya


The Hubble Space Telescope has captured a new, clear picture of the 16 Psyche asteroid — one of the most valuable asteroids we know to be in existence, Forbes reported. Some estimates place the value of the asteroid at $10,000 quadrillion. To put that in perspective, the global economy was worth about $142 trillion in 2019.

What makes the asteroid so valuable? Well, for starters, it's huge — it's about 140 miles wide. And it appears to be made out of pure metal, which is very rare for an asteroid.

"We've seen meteorites that are mostly metal, but Psyche could be unique in that it might be an asteroid that is totally made of iron and nickel," Dr. Tracy Becker, a planetary scientist at the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas, told Forbes.

Psyche is located about 230 million miles from Earth and is one of the most massive objects in the solar system's main asteroid belt, which orbits between Mars and Jupiter. Because it is so dense and metallic, scientists believe that Psyche is actually a "protoplanet" — the leftover core of a planet that failed to fully form. Many planets, including Earth, have a metal core, typically composed of iron and nickel. Becker believes that Psyche may have been struck by another object during its formation, destroying its mantle and crust.

Although Hubble has been able to get clear images of Psyche, only a visit to its surface will reveal what it's really like. Fortunately, NASA is planning to do just that as part of its Discovery Program. An orbiter is set to launch from Florida's Kennedy Space Center in August 2022, putting it on track to arrive at Psyche in January 2026. The orbiter will spend at least 21 months mapping and studying the asteroid's unique properties. Visiting Psyche could give researchers more insights into the very, very valuable stuff planets are made of.