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留學 美國密歇根州卡拉馬祖

看下面我給學生寫的指導, 英文的。 除此之外, 帶壹些中藥類的感冒藥,就好了。 如喝茶,可帶些茶葉。 美國什麽東西都比中國便宜, 哪怕是換算成人民幣。 所以, 只要夠用頭壹個月用的,有,不帶去浪費就帶去, 否則什麽都不用帶。


1. “剛去的話 上課怕會跟不上,詞匯量太大了。帶個好點的電子詞典吧,”到處都能上網, 去iciba.com上查把。 上課時妳根本沒時間查字典!

“像電腦 手機 相機那些,妳要是有就帶著”。 到了美國再買便宜30%左右。

2,“美國的牙膏牙刷毛巾什麽的,好貴啊!” 不會啊? 比國內安全衛生健康,毛巾質量沒法比,同等質量國內的價錢是美國的至少2倍。


4,“衣服的話,密歇根冬天很冷的,而且非常漫長,要下好幾個月的雪,不過好在室內都有暖氣。妳帶兩件羽絨襖過來,裏面穿長袖T恤就行。這樣在室內把羽絨襖直接脫了穿長袖T恤正好的。不要帶保暖內衣了,用不上的,在室內穿那個會熱死的” 對的, 毛衣是不用帶的。

5, “文具和牙膏牙刷壹樣,都相對來說比較貴”。 可能貴壹點點吧,可是有很多機會拿到免費的啊! 不建議妳帶大量文具, 要入鄉隨俗,不要什麽都和美國人不壹樣, 學校書店買就好了。

6,“藥。帶點腸胃方面的藥,感冒藥,暈機藥,消炎藥,差不多了。這邊藥挺貴的,看個醫生也貴,所以壹般的頭疼鬧熱發燒感冒,自己吃吃帶來的藥就好,不要去看醫生。” 有保險,有病在學校的衛生所看病是免費的。 到校外看病是有點貴, 但是生命是第壹位的, 不要亂吃藥!

7,“女生的話,帶點WSJ吧”- -搞笑!ALWAYS之類多得是!買壹大包比中國便宜,安全!

8. 帶幾件民族時裝吧。 如果有的話。

Basic items of clothing are recommended. Bring a variety of clothing. Although everyday campus style is more informal (jeans, slacks, "tee" shirts, blouses, sweaters, tennis or "running" shoes) occasionally more formal wear is required (jackets and ties for men and more tailored clothing for women). A major consideration in the clothing you bring is the climate. We recommend that you include an umbrella, winter coat, hat, and gloves. Additional clothing can be bought upon your arrival. For festive occasions, we encourage international students to bring traditional clothing, national dress, instruments, crafts or other traditional materials with them for cultural events on campus.

You can bring a few family photos and personal hygiene belongings. If you wear glasses or contact lenses, you should bring a copy of your eye prescription with you.

Classrooms and residence halls are air-conditioned. Many students might want to bring a sweater or sweatshirt when in class.

Shopping trips to local stores will be provided to pick up items such as bedding, towels and other items you may want to use to decorate your living area.

More Things to Bring or Buy

In addition to the basics, you may be interested to know what typical American college students either bring to college or purchase once they arrive. This checklist may help you better determine what you need to bring from home as well as what you want to buy when you get here in order to feel comfortable and have fun.

Bath and Bed Décor and Furnishings School Supplies

o Bathrobe o Bed Raisers o Binders

o Bath Towels o Clock/Radio Alarm o Bookbag/Knapsack

o Bathroom Cup o Desk Organizers o Graph Paper

o Brush and Comb o Electric Fan o Notebooks

o Cologne/Perfume o Floor Lamp o Pens and Pencils

o Cosmetics o Photographs o Ruler

o Dental Floss o Posters o Scientific Calculator

o Deodorant o Reading Lamp o Stapler

o Make-Up o Storage Bins o Three-Hole Punch

o Pillows o XL Twin Sheets Entertainment and Communication Sports and Leisure

Clothing and o Cell Phone o Bike Lock

Accessories o CDs/DVDs o Frisbee

o Bathing Suit o Desktop Computer o Tennis Racquet

o Clothes Hangers o Electronics Adapters o Soccer Ball

o Flip-Flops/Sandals o Notebook Computer o Snorkel Mask

o Jeans o Portable DVD Player o Sunscreen

o Light Jacket o Portable Music Player o Swim Goggles

o Shorts o Printer o Water Bottle

o Slippers o Stereo o Golf Clubs

o Sneakers o Surge Protector

o Sunglasses o Telephone

o T-shirts o Television