but sudden storms are short (細雨下得很長久,暴雨卻很短暫) 例如:He is not rich
but as he always spends cautiously
he seems never short of money. Small showers last long 至於進退兩難,有以下幾個譯法: (We)have a wolf by the ears-即是進退兩難,騎虎難下的意思 up a tree/up the pole (adv.)-處於困境 Example: he was up a tree/ up the pole. in a cleft stick (adv.) Beeen the Devil and the deep blue sea Example: he is going to place us beeen the Devil and the deep blue sea
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細水長流 ~~~ Do little by little without a break 進退兩難 ~~~ It is in a dilemma
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