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[Tn] have a certain kind of life (used esp with the ns shown) 過某種生活(尤與所示名詞連用): lead a miserable existence, a life of luxury, a double life, etc 過悲慘的生活、 豪華的生活、 雙重人格的生活等 * decide to lead a new life 決定過新生活.


[VN] to have a particular type of life: to lead a quiet life / a life of luxury / a miserable existence


transitive verb

2 : to go through : LIVE <lead a quiet life>


v. tr.

To pass or go through; live: lead an independent life.



if you lead a particular kind of life, that is what your life is like

lead a normal/quiet/busy etc life

If the operation succeeds, Carly will be able to lead a normal life.

He has led a charmed life (=been very fortunate) .

lead a life of luxury/poverty etc

lead the life of a ...

She now leads the life of a recluse.

lead a double life

(=deceive people by keeping different parts of your life separate and not letting anyone know the whole truth)

Joe had been leading a double life, seeing an ex-model while his wife believed he was on business.

They lead a nomadic existence .