當前位置:成語大全網 - 新華字典 - 為什麽eating breakfast是錯誤的?

為什麽eating breakfast是錯誤的?



有幸答第 3 次。 圖片參考:.yimg/i/icon/16/16 問題1︰為什麽有人說eating breakfast 是錯誤的,壹定要用having breakfast? 1。 相信問那題和答那題的人最清楚。我只知 eating breakfast 無錯,所以便指出來,加上網上引證,奈何問的人不信。猜測:她做練習或測驗錯了,不明白,連她老師也 eating breakfast 說是錯誤的,壹定要用having breakfast。 問題2︰是牛津字典出錯了嗎? 2。我就是第壹次衰無引用牛津字典和其他較權威的,邊個敢話牛津字典錯? 圖片參考:.yimg/i/icon/16/19 上次回答有網友說 HAVE 可能是英式, EAT 是美式。我就此在網上求證。下面是我就這題在壹個外國語言網求證,答我的是活生生的英國人。 I normally say "I like to have breakfast". It is probably a personal preference. There is no difference in meaning. We Brits say to eat breakfast as well as to have breakfast. The question is perhaps more plicated than first appears. Whether I eat breakfast or have breakfast or take breakfast depends on the context. 即是話用 EAT 或 HAVE 是看用法,不是英美或修辭分別。上次有網友說修辭學上用 EAT 不好,遇?壹知半解的老師,改卷員,穩陣見,我也會建議妳用 HAVE。 * "eat breakfast" ~ 1 090 000 matches * "have breakfast" ~ 1 120 000 matches 14

000 for "I eat breakfast 16

700 for "I have breakfast 10 for "I take breakfast 2

670 for "I ate breakfast 998 for "I had breakfast 95 for "I took breakfast 18

100 for "you eat breakfast 303

000 for "you have breakfast 4

030 for "you take breakfast 360 for "you ate breakfast 787 for "you had breakfast 2 for "you took breakfast 24

100 for "we eat breakfast 243

000 for "we have breakfast 87 for "we take breakfast 835 for "we ate breakfast 27

900 for "we had breakfast 252 for "we took breakfast 下面是權威 BBC 的搜尋結果。 Results from All of the BBCPage 1 of 359 pages for eat breakfast 還有 YOUTUBE 的片,留意,那是英國片段,還有其他英美各地片段。 Video results for 'eat breakfast' Results 1-20 of about 1

060 (0.39 s) *** /watch?v=CDXZI2Po_qc 今次又發現上面有位網友懷疑 EAT BREAKFAST 要跟 POSSESSIVE ADJ 如 HIS。這個我在網上看過人問,答案是否定的。下面是引證。 >> I mean is there no need of adding "my" before the "breakfast" in connection with the verb eat? No need

unless there is a chance you're eating someone else's breakfast. 圖片參考:.yimg/i/icon/16/21 最後,看看我第壹次回答的搜尋結果。 .knowledge.yahoo/question/?qid=7007032403709&others=1 最後,點解中國香港 D 人會話用 EAT BREAKFAST 錯?我地 97 年前都是英國管,學的多以英式英文為準。英國人愛用 HAVE 多過 EAT,雖然也有不少英國人用 EAT。中國香港人聽得多 HAVE, 便以為 EAT 不對,甚至以為是中式英文,該煨。 圖片參考:.yimg/i/icon/16/35 愚見:學英文要不斷求證,不要單信壹,兩個老師和壹兩本書,字典,練習。我從不信練習,坊間的英文練習 10 本 8 本錯,特別是非英文為母語人士寫的。

It's true that both 'eat' and 'have' are correct BUT I wouldn't use search engine results to support the wer - they show nothing with regards to the actual question.



實在是壹大敗筆. 正如原身條錯誤知識都會系壹個搜尋結果


不能引申為字句是否正確. 過猶不及. 負評.

翻看Oxford's Practical English Usage

是這樣說: 有些情形下


這些用語常用的有: to have breadkfast/lunch/tea/dinner/a meal/ a drink/ coffee/ a beer/ a glass of wine 以我理解

即系 have breakfast是常用語

而 eat breakfast也沒錯。

妳是對的,其實可以用eat one's breakfast 若妳查yahoo字典,也可查到這個例句 eat 標示解釋 圖片參考:.yimg/i/dic/spacer 釋義 同義字/反義字 變化形 圖片參考:row.bc.yahoo/b?P=nHuUosor3F6d1_gURhNYTRffy8b2wkYWIOoACj0Q&T=140um92r4%2fX%3d1175855338%2fE%3d97039550%2fR%3d_dict%2fK%3d5%2fV%3d2.1%2fW%3dHR%2fY%3dHKC%2fF%3d2144841187%2fQ%3d-1%2fS%3d1%2fJ%3d34DC2BCA&U=1266oq0s0%2fN%3dvAkzg8or3Jw-%2fC%3d-1%2fD%3dNE%2fB%3d-1 圖片參考:row.bc.yahoo/b?P=nHuUosor3F6d1_gURhNYTRffy8b2wkYWIOoACj0Q&T=140dj74q0%2fX%3d1175855338%2fE%3d97039550%2fR%3d_dict%2fK%3d5%2fV%3d2.1%2fW%3dHR%2fY%3dHKC%2fF%3d3532343646%2fQ%3d-1%2fS%3d1%2fJ%3d34DC2BCA&U=127cr6t6a%2fN%3dvwkzg8or3Jw-%2fC%3d-1%2fD%3dADV%2fB%3d-1 KK: [ 圖片參考:.yimg/i/dic/039 ] DJ: [ 圖片參考:.yimg/i/dic/039 ] vt. 1. 吃;喝 He ate his breakfast quickly. 他匆匆地吃了早餐。 2. 腐蝕(金屬等);蛀;耗完;毀壞[O] The sea had eaten away much of the shore. 海水浸蝕了大片海岸。 3. 口使煩惱;使不安 Could you tell me what is eating her? 妳能告訴我她為什麽煩惱嗎? vi. 1. 進食;用膳 Where shall we eat today? 今天我們去哪裏吃飯? 2. 腐蝕;侵蝕;損耗;毀壞[Q] The acid has eaten through the metal cover. 酸已把金屬蓋子蝕穿了。 所以,妳的答案是對的;只不過可能之前的問題,以有導向性,故使每個人都以為breakfast壹定要跟have或take;由此告訴我們,為學必須要多方考察



我看到牛津字典的這句 : He hasn' t eaten much breakfast . 可能這裏的 eat 是不及物動詞

即 : He hasn' t eaten much . ( 句子是完整的 ) 後面的 breakfast 是修飾 eat

表示於早餐這個時段 . 我亦看到壹句 : He ate his breakfast quickly . 這裏的 eat 是及物動詞

his breakfast 是受詞

如果要 eat + ( object ) 的句式

可能要在 breakfast 前面加上限定詞

如 his 等 . 2007-04-06 17:29:35 補充: 我覺得理解這類問題




2007-04-06 17:46:00 補充: 1 ) 為什麽有人說eating breakfast 是錯誤的,壹定要用having breakfast?用作動詞的受詞

我會說 : having breakfast

或 eating my breakfast

2 ) 是牛津字典出錯了嗎?冇錯

He hasn' t eaten much ( breakfast ) .類似結構 :He hasn' t eaten much ( today ) .

Eating breakfast 其實是所謂中文式直譯英語 (Chinese English)

不合乎英文正宗文法. Eat 後面應加上食物

並非膳食. 例如

eat an apple

eat vegetables. 進食早餐應譯作: Have/has breakfast. 午餐(Lunch)

晚餐(Dinner)亦應如此. 簡單例句: 妳吃過早餐/午餐/晚餐嗎? Have you had breakfast/lunch/dinner?

breakfast 唔系壹種食物名稱