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每日壹詞 147 resilience

基礎篇 : the ability to become strong, happy, or successful again after a difficult situation or event

例句: New Yorkers demonstrated extraordinary unity and resilience in the wake of 9/11.

進階篇: resilience 是不可數名詞,英漢字典中壹般給出的解釋是“還原能力、適應能力,” 但其實我們把它理解為“堅強”就好了。從英英釋義可以看出,這個詞強調的是能夠經受考驗,可以指個人、機構,可以指國家、制度。


Rescue work differs from other types of work in that it requires a tremendous level of mental resilience.?



Yet precisely because of these pressures, Israel offers an important test of t he resilience of democracy.?

Like the farmers of Western Australia, it is running out of resilience.?

根據語境,這句的 it is running out of resilience 可以理解為“已經快撐不住了。”


1)翻譯: 當地居民在地震中展示了無比的堅強。

Local residents showed remarkable resilience during the earthquake.?

Local inhabitants demonstrate amazing resilience in the face of the earthquake.?

2) 造句:情境: 念完博士之後,我的抗壓力大大增強了

I increased my resilience to stress after I finished my Ph.D degree in literature.?