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look after 1. 照顧 Looked after his younger brother.

照顧他的小弟弟 look for 1. 尋找;搜索 Looking for my gloves.

找我的手套 2. 希望 Look for a change of weather in March.

希望三月天氣會變 look on 或 look upon 1. 認為,看待:用某種方式看待 Looked on them as incompetents.

認為他們不勝任 look out 1. 小心,當心;註意 If you don't look out, you may fall on the ice. We looked out for each other on the trip.

如果不小心的話,妳會在冰上摔倒的。我們在旅途中互相照看 look to 1. 期望 He looked to hear from her.

他期望收到她的信 2. 看似將要;許諾做 ?0?0?1?7an ‘Action Program,’ which . . . looked to reduce tariffs on over 1,800 items”( -- Alan D. Romberg)

“壹個…許諾削減1500種物品關稅的‘行動計劃’”( -- 艾倫D.龍伯格) look up 1. 查找:在參考書中尋找並找到 2. 拜訪 Look up an old friend.

拜訪壹個老朋友 3. 變得更好;改善 Things are at last looking up.

情況終於有所改觀 look one's age 1. 符合年齡 look alive look before you leap 1. (諺)三思而後行 look daggers at look down one's nose at 1. 同 look down on look for trouble look someone in the eye (或 face) 1. 直視 look lively 1. (非正式)打起精神來,快點幹 look the other way 1. 縱容,視而不見 They do look the other way at corrupt practices here.

他們對這裏的腐敗視而不見。 look sharp 1. 快 look small look to the future 1. 放眼未來 look someone up and down 1. 仔細打量,審視 look back 1. 回顧 don't waste time looking back on things which have caused you distress.

不要浪費時間去回想那些傷心的往事。 2. 躑躅不前 She launched her own company in 1981 and has never looked back.

她於1981年開創自己的公司,從此勇往直前。 look down on 1. 輕視 look in 1. 短暫拜訪 I will look in on you tomorrow.

我明日來拜訪您壹下。 look on 1. 旁觀 Cameron was looking on and making no move to help.

卡梅倫在壹旁看著,沒上前幫忙。 look something out 1. (英)尋找,產生 I've got a catalogue somewhere and I'll look it out if you're interested.

look someone up 1. (非正式)與…接觸,與…交往 look something up 1. 查詢 look like