1 [N-UNCOUNT] ————————不可數,(廣義上的),是真實的,而不是想象的
You use reality to refer to real things or the real nature of things rather than imagined, invented, or theoretical ideas.
Fiction and reality were increasingly blurred...
see also virtual reality
2 [N-COUNT] usu the N of n ————————可數,讓人難以接受的真相,
The reality of a situation is the truth about it, especially when it is unpleasant or difficult to deal with.
...the harsh reality of top international competition...
3 [N-SING] ————————可以用 a reality,實際上確實存在的壹件事
You say that something has become a reality when it actually exists or is actually happening.
...the whole procedure that made this book become a reality...
4 [PHRASE] PHR with cl—————————詞組:in reality
You can use in reality to introduce a statement about the real nature of something, when it contrasts with something incorrect that has just been described.
He came across as streetwise, but in reality he was not.