當前位置:成語大全網 - 新華字典 - 英語句子翻譯


8.英語不同於語法.(different) English language is different from grammar

9.起火時,許多人並未意識到危險。(aware) The the fire began, not many people were aware of its danger.

10.妳介意我用壹下妳的字典嗎?(mind) Would you minf if I use your dictionary?

11.他們把窗子打開,讓空氣和光線進來。(admit) They open the windows to admit light and (fresh) air.

12.他壹到法國就和我們取得了聯系。 He contacted me soon after his arrival in France.

13.讓壹個毫無幽默感的人理解這個笑話是很困難的。It is difficult for a person without sense of humor to appreciate this joke.