Simple Sentence:A sentence that only has one independent clause,it contains one subject and one verb,it can express a plete idea.
例子:I like to play basketball.(我喜歡打籃球.壹個主語壹個謂語對否?)但是其實,還可以是Sam and I like to play baskeball.(”我和Sam喜歡打籃球“也是個simple sentence.)
Compound Sentence:A pound sentence is a sentence containing two independent clauses joined by a coordinator.
例子:He screamed for help because a dog was barking at him.(他呼聲喊救命因為壹只狗對他吠了.) 這裏,有個連詞,所以是pound sentence,其實就是兩個simple sentence 用連詞(conjunction)連在壹起
Complex Sentence:Complex sentence is a sentence containing an independent clause joined by one or more dependent clauses.
例子:The book which I borrowed you yesterday was stolen.(我昨天借妳的書被偷了.)
在這裏,which引入了個dependent clause(在這個句子相當於定語,其實我不知道dependent clause 用在定語以外的方法,應該沒有吧)