2. 用於湖泊名稱:青~。中南~。
3. 容量大的器皿,巨大的:~碗。~涵(敬辭,稱對方大度包容)。誇下~口。
4. 喻數量多的人、事物像海的:人山人~。火~。
5. 漫無目標地:~罵。~找。
6. 古代指從外國來的:~棠。
7. 特指中國上海:~派。
8. 姓。
問題二:海,這個字有什麽含義 什麽是“海”?在現代人觀念裏,是指“大洋靠近陸地的部分”,但在古人的認識裏,類似於海的大湖也叫做“海”,“裏海”、“青海”、“洱海”之類稱名傳承至今。“海”是廣大的,因此,它又可以指稱具有“大”或“多”的意義特征的事物:可稱“連成大片的很多同類的事物”,如“人海”、“火海”之“海”;可指“大的容量、口氣“,如“海碗”、“海量”、“誇下海口”之“海”。值得註意的是,“海”還可以表示“國外的“,如“海棠”、“海棗”之“海”。與此相應,“海內”指中國之內,“海外”指中國境外,“海關”則是設在國境上的國家行政監督機關。顯然,“海”的這種用法表明,人們似乎把“海”看成了中國與外國的分界線。這種奇特的認識是如何形成的呢?要弄清這個問題,我們不能不瀏覽壹下“海”的歷史。
問題三:字典中的海是什麽意思? 海
問題四:請問大家知不知道什麽字代表“大海”或是“海洋”的意思? 溟,就知道這個。
問題五:walking ni the sun 5分 Walking in the Sun
歌手:Travis 專輯:Singles
Travis - Walking in the Sun
I was walking along in the sun
Taking pictures of everyone
And there's something on the tip of my tongue
Oh oh oh oh
Well it's easy to see from the far
And it's easy to be on your guard
But it's harder just to be who you are
Oh oh oh oh
When all these people who will lead you down
The back of the track
They're on your back
They will try and tear you apart
But believe and you will see
That there's no reason to doubt
Then you will find
You can do much better than that
If you think of all the things that you feel
All the voices in your head that you hear
It's a mystery that we are all still holding on
When all these people who will lead you down
The back of the track
They're on your back
They will try and tear you apart
But believe and you will see
That there's no reason to doubt
Then you will find
You can do much better than that
If you see me hit the ground
Don't e near, don't make a sound
I was walking along in the sun
Taking pictures of everyone
And there's something on the tip of my tongue