當前位置:成語大全網 - 新華字典 - 英語作文:假如妳是李華,妳的美國朋友Tom希望作為壹名誌願者,來中國雲南


親愛的湯姆:妳想來中國做壹名誌願者,並希望能成為壹名鄉村教師。我很敬佩妳。歡迎妳來雲南。我已經為妳作了安排。妳將成為雲南最貧困山區的 壹名臨時教師。哪裏物質匱乏,書籍缺少。沒有手機信號。我會給妳壹本英語漢語兩用字典。妳可以在學習漢語時,使用它。同時,那所學校的另壹名教師會在每天的晚上教妳漢語。我相信,這段時光將是妳人生中最難忘的壹段時間。


Dear Tom: do you want to come to China to be a volunteer, 。yanjiang。com。cn。and hope to become a village teacher. I admire you very much. Welcome you to Yunnan. I have made arrangements for you. You will be a temporary teacher in the poorest mountain area in Yunnan. Where the lack of material, the lack of books. No cell phone signal. I'll give you a dual purpose Dictionary of English and chinese. You can use it when you are learning chinese. At the same time, the other teachers in the school will teach you Chinese every night. I believe that this period of time will be the most memorable period of your life.

Your faithful friend: Li Hua