當前位置:成語大全網 - 新華字典 - 英語句子積累第七彈


1. 隨著時間的流逝,人類會對外部空間有更多的了解

With time passing by,human will know more about the outer space.

2. 他對這所大學的貢獻如此之大,以至於新圖書館是以他的名字命名的

He made such great contribution to the university that the new library was named after him

3. 他過去曾在壹個小車間工作,但現在他成為壹家大公司的老板。

He used to work in a small workshop ,but now he becomes an owner of a big company

4. 昨晚我本打算過去看妳,但有人來電話我沒能離開

Last night i was intended to visit you ,but some one called me and i couldn’t leave

5. 連續下了三天大雨,我真希望現在雨能停下來

It has been raining for 3 days and i do hope it could stop now

6. 這些書會為妳提供妳需要的所有信息,妳在任何壹家書店都能買到這些書

These books wil provide you with all the information that you need and you can buy them in any of the bookstore

7. 他的妻子總是不斷地挑他的毛病,這使他非常生氣

His wife always finds faults with him,which makes him very angry

8. 只要妳能保持這個房間整潔,我們可以讓妳用

As long as you can keep the room clean,we can let you use it.

9. 我們學習歷史不僅僅是為了愉悅,更是為了發現政治發展和變化的規律

We learn history not only to enjoy ourselves but to find the law of political development and changes

10. 在他們準備放棄的時候,他們突然發現了答案

The suddenly found the answer when they almost gave uo

11. 有必要養成晚上十點就寢,早上六點起床的習慣

It is necessary to develop the habit of going to bed at ten in the evening and getting up at six in the morning

12. 昨天我去看他,不料卻聽說他兩天前已經出國了

Yesterday i wnt to visit him,only to be told that he had gone abroad two days ago

13. 天熱時穿白色衣服是個好主意,因為它能反射而不是吸收熱量

When it is hot,it is a good idea todress in white,because it can reflect instead of absorbing heat.

14. 毫無疑問,大學生們從社會實踐中受益匪淺

Undoubtedly,college students have benefited a lot from social practice.

15. 他們已安排好讓我們明天去遊覽長城,我相信我們在那裏壹定會玩得很開心

They’ve arranged for us to visit the great wall tomorrow , and i’m sure we’ll have a good time there.

16. 我很想買這本英文字典,遺憾的是我身上帶的錢不夠

I want to buy the english dictionary very much .unfortunately ,i don’t have enough money on me

17. 目前世界上使用的語言估計有幾千中

It is estimated that there are several thousand languages and dialects spoken in hte world today.

18. 他們聊得情投意合,只覺相見恨晚

They found so much n common that they regretted not having met earlier.

19. 使我們失望的是,他沒有恪守諾言

To our disappointment , he failed to keep his promise

20. 他全心全意為公眾服務,從不計較個人得失

He served the public wholeheartedly,regardless of his personal gain or less