名字 given name
不再 no longer=not …any longer (時間)
no more=not… any more(次數)
浪費時間 a waste of time
簡稱 be short for =…call ….for short
做某事有樂趣have fun doing sth
教師節/植樹節/感恩節/ 春節 Teachers' Day
Tree Planting Day/Thanksgiving Day/Spring Festival
致以最好祝願 with our best wishes
因為某事謝某人Thank sb for sth./doing sth
作報告/聽報告give a talk ./have a talk
與…不同be different from=be unlike =not …the same as
11 去旅行go on a trip=have a trip (go on +旅行,遠足,野餐)
去遠足/去劃船 go hiking /go boating
被…拌倒 trip over….
趕快 hurry up 匆匆地去…go ….in a hurry =hurry to…
14 擅長…. be good at sth./doing =do well in sth/doing
15 在…方面差 be weak in …16 離開…去…leave…for….
17 把…系到…tie…to…
18 在做某事方面有問題 have problems doing sth
19 中秋節 Mid---autumn Festival 20 在戶外 in the open air
21 同意某人/同意做某事 agree with sb/ agree to do sth
22 喜歡…而不喜歡…like ….better than =prefer….to….
=prefer to do ….rather than do
23 拾起pick up
24 最長的河流之壹one of the longest rivers
第二長河流 the second longest river
25 把…指給…看 show sb sth =show sth to sb
26 定在九點make it 9:00 27 怎麽啦 What's up
28 因為什麽而抱歉be sorry for sth
29 對某人友好 be friendly to sb
30 工作第壹work must come first
31 在…右手壹邊on the right hand side of….在某人右邊on one's right
32 在…前面(內部)in the front of ….在...前面(外部)in front of ….
在…後面(內部) at the back of …..在第壹排in the first row
33 在第壹個拐彎處向左 轉 take the first turning on the right
=turn right at the first crossing
34 向某人要求...ask sb for sth
35 怎麽…處理 What….do with
36 熟悉…know….very well
37 忙於幹某事 be busy with sth=be busy doing sth
38 北京城 the city of Beijing =Beijing City
39 打電話 call sb (up)=ring sb (up)=give sb a call
=give sb a ring =make telephone calls to sb
40 同時at the same time 仍舊 all the same 壹直 all the time 看起來很象 look the same 與...壹樣 the same as ….
41 剛才 just now =a moment ago 現在right now =at the moment
42 回答…reply to sb = answer sb
43 開車去…drive to …. 去…旅行travel to …..
44 修好 put sth right
45 在吃早餐時 at breakfast 46 與...告別 say goodbye to …
47 首先at first=first of all 最後 at last =in the end
48調大/調小turn up /turn down 打開/關上 turn on ./turn off
49祝妳語文好運 Good luck with your Chinese
飛到...fly to… =go to ….by plane/by air
開音樂會/參加音樂會 give a concert/ have a concert
多於/少於 more than/less than
摔倒/從…摔下來/入睡fall down /fall off…/fall asleep
和…結婚get married to sb, marry sb
正在參觀…be on a visit to ….=be visiting ….
某人發生…/碰巧發生…happen to sb /happen to do sth
在…開始時at the start of …=at the beginning of ….
在每年這個時候 at this time of year
在壹年不好的時節裏 at a bad time of year
在田野/在農場in the field/on the farm
妳說話的方式 the way you speak
in most parts of China=in much of China
最好幹某事It's best to do =You had better do .
有時 at times 以後 later on
在夜晚at night =in the night
零度以上/零度以下 above zero /below zero
稍等 hold on =wait for a moment
把…翻過來 turn ….over
邀請…做… invite sb to do
為…捎口信take a message for sb
請做某事好嗎 Will you please (not)do sth
某人十歲生日one's tenth birthday
隨便吃點…help oneself to sth
上演 put on穿上/脫下put on /take off
還要壹些牛奶some more milk
考試take /have one's exam
從事…work on./at ….
壹切順利 Everything goes well
團聚 have a get-together
迫不及待的幹某事 can't wait to do
忍不住幹某事can't help doing
in a fish and chip shop
坐下take a /one's seat=sit down
中國清茶 Chinese tea with nothing
=Chinese tea without anything
因為…著名be famous for…..
作為…而出名be famous as …..
在某人去某地的路上 on one's way to ……
=make one's way to…..
五分鐘的路程five minutes' walk
=five -minute walk
到十點為止by ten =not later than ten
吵鬧/犯錯make a noise /make a mistake
上車/下車get on ./get off
排隊stand in line
插隊/插隊的人jump the queue/a queue jumper
在…最前頭at the head of ….
亂扔 throw about 與…爭吵quarrel with ….
在半夜 at midnight 實際上in fact
抓住某人的胳膊 take one's arm
抱怨某人 complain about sb
用低沈的聲音說say in a tired voice
頭疼/感冒/咳嗽have a headache/have a cold
/ have a cough
阻止…幹某事stop….from. doing
壹遍又壹遍over and over
代替instead of 鍛煉take exercise
look over 仔細檢查 look up 向上看/查字典
獨自(all)by oneself =alone
遲早sooner or later
逃跑 run away 追趕 run after 吃光 eat up
過了壹會兒 after a while 做鬼臉 make faces
自學…teach oneself sth =learn sth by oneself
把…單獨留下 leave sb by oneself
買得起/擔負的起做…afford to do sth
使某人驚奇的是 to one's surprise
把…留下leave …behind
把…拉出 pull …out of …. 向窗外看 look out of
所有的時間 all the time =the whole time
在…幾歲時 at the age of …..=when sb was ….years old
在昏暗的燈光下in the dim light
沈醉在美妙的音樂中 lose oneself in the beautiful music
回到return to=go back/come back to
歸還return….to= give… back to sb
舉行運動會 have /hold a sport meeting
100米賽跑 the 100-metre race= the 100 metres race
女子200米 girls' 200-metre race
跳高/跳遠 the high /long jump
齊頭並進 neck and neck
參加比賽 be in the race /take part in the race
積極參加 take an active part in …
祝妳好運 Good luck to you
謝謝邀請/問候Thanks for asking
在起點線/終點線 at the starting /finshing line
在第壹圈on the first lap
把某物傳給某人pass on sth to sb
趕上某人catch up with sb =keep up with sb
為…做準備get ready for sth
準備幹某事get ready to do sth
第壹名 be in first place =be first
幹的好 well done 未來 in the future
因某事祝賀某人 congratulations to sb on sth
相當漂亮的壹匹馬 rather /quite a nice horse
take turns to do 輪流幹某事
It's one's turn to do 輪到某人幹某事
Wait for one's turn to do 按次序幹某事
盡力做…try /do one's best to do
以每小時100米的速度 at a 100 metres an hour speed
= at a speed of 100 metres an hour
算出 work out 打高爾夫球play golf
玩火 play with fire
戲弄某人play a joke on sb
與…相處(好)get on (well) with sb
厭倦…be fed up with sth/doing sth
蘇醒 come to oneself 現在 now =at the moment
壹個38歲的男人 a 38 -year-old man
=a man of 38 years old
因某事感激某人 be thankful/grateful to sb for sth
停下來 come to a stop=stop
喪生 lose one's life
生小孩 have a baby =give birth to a baby
說…的另壹種方法 anther way of saying ….
壹兩天 a day or two 請病假 ask for sick leave
出發 set off 值班on watch
騰出地方 make room for …
拐過彎來come round the corner
圍著他 crowd round him
讓交通暢通 let the traffic go
158小心 look out =be careful=take care
159摩托車的聲音 the sound of a motorbike
1.有…嗎have you got…/do you have…
2無論no matter when/where/what=whenever/wherever/however
3大量的a large number of / large numbers of / the largest number of
I spent 60 yuan on this dictionary. / ( in ) buying this dictionary .
I paid 60 yuan for this dictionary yesterday.
The dictionary cost me 60 yuan yesterday.
The dictionary was worth 60 yuan.
5擅長於沖浪.be good at surfing. / does well in surfing.
6 兩者都(不)both…and /neither…nor /not only…but also
7這本書多少錢 What`s the price of the book
How much is the book How much does the book cost
8.為什麽why=What … for /For what
What's the least expensive way to travel
10繼續做continue to do/doing (沒有區別)
go on /keep on /carry on doing(同壹件事)
go on to do(另壹件事)
stop doing (停止做) stop to do(停下來去做)
He will remember the trip for long.
His memory of the trip will last long.
Hurry up. Or we will be late
If we don't hurry up, we will be late
13妳認為這書怎樣How do you like the book
What do you think of the book
14問天氣 what`s the weather like
How is the weather
15.能夠can / be able to
16 裝滿be full of=be filled with
17不再no longer/more, not…any /longer more
18最後finally, at last, in the end
19 與…無關be not about =have nothing to do with
20 "island"是什麽意思 What does "island" mean
What do you mean by "island"
What's the meaning of "island"
To finish this work alone is not easy.
It's not easy to finish this work alone.
22 幸虧thanks to , with the help of
23 立刻at once=right now /right away
24 現在now=at the moment
25更喜歡like better…than /prefer…to /
prefer to…rather than
26決定 decide /make a decision /
make up one`s mind to do
27 人口population-->people
28沒關系never mind /not at all / It doesn`t matter
The boys seemed to become too confident.
It seemed that the boys became too confident.
30打電話ring up=give a call
=make a telephone call
31自學teach oneself=learn by oneself
32 照顧look after=take care of
33 玩得高興have a good time
=enjoy oneself=have fun doing