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作為節目中唯壹的常駐女嘉賓, Angelababy卻沒有像我們預想的壹樣以花瓶角色出現,而是和男嘉賓壹起挑戰各種艱難的任務。節目中,她曾與男嘉賓角力,曾在泥坑中匍匐。為了完成任務、贏得比賽,她拼盡全力,毫不顧忌自己在熒幕上的形象。甚至好幾次,她都素顏出鏡。不做女神的她,面部表情誇張、肢體語言豐富,卻贏得了觀眾們的喜愛。





As the only regular female on the show, the nymph-like Angelababy competes in difficult tasks against male competitors. In one game she's required to wrestle with men, and in another she must crawl through a pit of mud. She goes all out to complete the missions and score a win, paying little attention to how she appears on the screen. She appears in the show without any makeup on several occasions. Her exaggerated facial expressions and gestures, despite not being becoming of a goddess, endear audiences.

"Angelababy was a surprise choice for our cast. She may have been a sweet cover girl and sexy heroine before, but now she is a superwoman with guts and responsibility," Running Man's chief producer Yu Hangying told Sina.

In an interview with Tencent Entertainment, the actress revealed she's actually a tomboy, just as we see on Running Man. Her favorite thing to do outside of work is to stay home and play games like League of Legends, though co-star Chen He said on a Youku talk show that Angelababy is still a total noob.

As reality shows have been popular for China now for a decade, perhaps audiences are more willing to warm up to stars that aren't otherworldly but instead exhibit genuine character and a down-to-earth personality. Whether she's simply catering to her audience or being true to herself, one thing is for sure — Angelababy's tough-girl schtick is being well-received by fans.