/ ?tel?(r); ˋt?l?/ n
person who receives and paysout money in a bank (銀行的)出納員.
person appointedto count votes, eg in the House of Commons (投票時的)計票員(如下議院中者).
(esp in compounds 尤用以構成復合詞) person who tells stories, etc 講故事等的人; 講述者: a story-teller 講故事的人 * a marvellous teller of jokes 笑話講得很精彩的人.
shoot 1
/ ?u?t; ?ut/ v (pt, pp shot / ?t; ?ɑt/)
(a) [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ (sth) (at sb/sth); ~ sth (from sth); ~ sth (off) fire (a gun or some other weapon); fire (a bullet, an arrow, etc) at sb/sth 開(槍或其他武器); 向某人[某物]發射(子彈、 箭等): Aim carefully before shooting. 仔細瞄準後再射擊. * Don't shoot I surrender. 別開槍--我投降. * What are you shooting (your gun) at? 妳(用槍)射擊什麼呢? * He shot an arrow from his bow. 他拉弓放了壹箭. * The police only rarely shoot to kill, ie try to kill the people they shoot at. 警察開槍很少打死人. * The missiles were shot at the aircraft from a ship. 從軍艦上向飛機發射導彈. * He shot (off) several bullets before hitting the target. 他射出好幾發子彈才擊中目標. (b) [I] use a gun, etc; hunt with a gun, etc 使用槍等; 用槍等打獵: Can you shoot (well)? 妳會放槍嗎(妳槍打得準嗎)? * learn to shoot straight 練習槍法 * I need more practice at shooting. 我需要多練習射擊. * He enjoys riding, fishing and shooting, ie as sport. 他喜歡騎馬、 釣魚和射擊. (c) [Tn, Cn.a] kill or wound (sb/sth) with a bullet, an arrow, etc (用子彈、 箭等)擊斃或射傷(某人[某物]): She went out shooting rabbits. 她打兔子去了. * The soldier was shot (ie executed by shooting) for desertion. 那士兵因開小差兒而被處死. * She was shot in the leg. 她腿上中了壹槍. * The hunter shot the stag dead. 獵人把雄鹿射死了. (d) [I] (of a gun, bow, etc) fire bullets, arrows, etc (指槍、 弓等)發射子彈、 箭等: This is just a toy gun: it doesn't shoot. 這只是玩具槍, 不能發射子彈. * Get a rifle that shoots straight. 找壹桿射得準的步槍來. (e) [Tn.pr] make (sth) by shooting 由射擊造成(某現象): The gun/gunman shot a hole in the door. 這槍[持槍歹徒]在門上射出壹個洞.
[Tn] go over (an area) shooting game animals 去(某地)打獵: shoot a covert, an estate, etc 去叢林、 莊園等打獵. =>Usage at hunt1 用法見hunt1.
(a) [Ipr, Ip, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (cause sth to) move suddenly or quickly in the specified direction (使某物)沿某方向突然或迅速運動: The sports car shot past us. 賽車從我們前面飛馳而過. * A meteor shot across the sky. 流星劃過天空. * He shot out of the door after her. 他沖出門去追趕她. * The runner shot ahead (of the rest). 那個賽跑的人向前飛奔而去(把其他人拋在後面). * Flames were shooting (up) from the burning house. 從燃燒著的房子裏噴射出火舌. * The snake's tongue shot out. 蛇飛快地吐出芯子. * The driver was shot out of the open car as it crashed. 那輛敞篷汽車撞車時把司機拋出車外. =>Usage at whiz 用法見whiz. (b) [I, Ipr] ~ (down, up, etc sth) (of pain) move suddenly and quickly with a stabbing sensation (指疼痛)刺痛, 劇痛: a shooting pain in my back 我背部的刺痛感 * The pain shot up her arm. 她手臂壹陣劇痛. (c) [no passive 不用於被動語態: Tn.pr, Dn.n] ~ sth at sb direct sth at sb suddenly or quickly 突然或迅速向某人拋出某物: journalists shooting questions at the minister 向部長發出連珠炮般問題的記者 * She shot an angry glance at him/shot him an angry glance. 她憤怒地掃了他壹眼.
[I] (of plants and bushes) put forth new twigs or branches from a stem; sprout (指花草或灌木)發芽, 生枝: Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰叢修剪後還能再長出新枝.
[I, Tn, Tng no passive 不用於被動語態] (esp cinema 尤用於電影) photograph (an object, a scene, etc) 拍攝(物、 景等): Cameras ready? OK, shoot! 攝影機準備好了嗎? 好, 開拍! * We're ready to shoot (the ballroom sequence). 我們已經準備好拍攝(舞廳的連續鏡頭). * The film was shot in black and white. 這部電影拍成了黑白片. * shoot a woman riding a horse 拍攝壹個騎著馬的女子.
[Tn] (of a boat or a person in a boat) move quickly through, past, etc (sth) (指船或船中人)迅速穿過(某物): shooting the rapids 迅速穿過激流 * shoot the bridge, ie pass quickly underneath it 迅速從橋下穿過.
[Tn] push (the bolt of a door) into or out of its slot 插上或打開(門閂).
[Tn] (infml 口) (in golf) achieve (a specified number of strokes) in a game (高爾夫球)擊出(桿數): shot a 75 in the first round 第壹場擊出75扞.
[Tn] (esp US) play (certain games) 玩(某些遊戲): shoot craps/pool/dice 玩雙色子[臺球/擲色子]遊戲.
(a) [I, Ipr] ~ (at sth) (in football, hockey, etc) try to kick, hit, etc the ball directly into the goal (足球、 曲棍球等中)射門: She's looking for an opportunity to shoot (at goal). 她正在尋找機會射門. (b) [Tn no passive 不用於被動語態] score (a goal) 射中(壹球)得分: He shot a goal from twenty yards out. 他從二十碼外射門得分.
[I] (US infml 口) (only imperative 只用於祈使句) say what one has to say 說出(要說的話): You want to tell me something? Well, shoot! 妳有事告訴我嗎? 那好, 說吧!
[Tn no passive 不用於被動語態] (sl 俚) inject (a drug) into one's bloodstream 註射(毒品): shoot heroin 註射海洛因.
(idm 習語) be/get shot of sth/sb (infml 口) be/get rid of sth/sb 擺脫某事物[某人]. shoot one's `bolt (infml 口) make one's final effort, so that there is nothing further one can do to achieve one's aim 竭盡全力. shoot the `breeze (US infml 口) talk casually; gossip 聊天; 閑聊: We sat around in the bar, shooting the breeze. 我們坐在酒吧裏談天說地. shoot it out (with sb) (infml 口) settle a contest, dispute, etc, using guns 用槍來解決競爭、 爭端等: (fig 比喻) rival politicians shooting it out in a television debate 在電視辯論中決壹雌雄的政界敵手. shoot a `line (infml 口) exaggerate; tell lies 誇張; 說謊: She said she was an expert skier but I think she was just shooting a line. 她說自己是滑雪行家, 但我認為她說大話. shoot one's `mouth off (about sth) (infml 口) (a) exaggerate; boast 誇張; 吹牛: He's always shooting his mouth off about his success with women. 他總是瞎吹他如何能贏得女子芳心. (b) talk indiscreetly 輕率地談話: It's a secret, so don't go shooting your mouth off about it. 這是秘密, 別隨便亂說. shoot pool (US) play pool2(4) 打臺球. shoot one's way in/into sth; shoot one's way out/out of sth get into/out of sth by shooting 開槍殺進[殺出]某處: The gangster stole a gun and shot his way out of prison. 歹徒偷到壹枝槍壹路殺出監獄. shoot the `works (US infml 口) gamble or use up all one's money, resources, effort, etc 孤註壹擲; 竭盡錢財; 不遺余力.
(phr v) shoot sb down kill sb, esp cruelly, by shooting 擊斃某人; (尤指)殘酷槍殺某人: His victims were all shot down in cold blood. 他殺害的那些人都是遭他瘋狂槍殺的. shoot sth/sb down cause (an aircraft or its pilot) to fall to the ground by shooting eg a missile 擊落(飛機或其駕駛員)(如用導彈): ships shooting down fighter planes 把戰鬥機擊落的艦艇 * (fig 比喻) His latest theories have been shot down in flames by the experts. 他的最新理論遭 專家們批駁得壹無是處. shoot sth off (a) sever sth by shooting it with a gun, etc (用槍等)射斷(某物): His arm was shot off in the war. 他的手臂在戰爭中打斷了. (b) shoot (a gun, fireworks, etc) into the air 朝天放(槍、 焰火等): People were shooting off pistols in the streets to celebrate the victory. 人們在街上朝天鳴槍慶祝勝利. shoot sth up terrorize (a place) by going through it firing guns 在(某地)胡亂放槍制造恐怖: The gangsters ran into the bar and started shooting it up. 歹徒們沖進酒吧胡亂掃射壹通.
# `shooting-brake n (Brit dated 舊) = estate car (estate).
`shooting-gallery n building or room where people practise shooting rifles, etc at targets 室內射擊場; 打靶場.
`shooting match (idm 習語) the whole shooting match => whole
,shooting `star (also falling star) small meteor that burns up as it enters the earth's atmosphere, appearing as a bright streak in the sky 流星.
`shooting-stick n stick with a spiked end (to be stuck into the ground) and a handle which unfolds to form a small seat 摺疊座手杖(可插在地上, 上端可打開成為坐凳).
`shoot-out n battle fought with guns 相互開槍; 槍戰: The robbery led to a shoot-out between the robbers and the police. 這次打劫釀成壹場警匪槍戰. shoot 2
/ ?u?t; ?ut/ n
new young growth on a plant or bush, eg a bud (花草或灌木的)嫩芽, 幼苗, 新枝: train the new shoots of a vine 修整藤蔓的新枝.
(Brit) (a) (expedition made by a) group of people shooting game animals for sport 狩獵隊; 狩獵: members of a grouse shoot 狩獵松雞的隊員. (b) area of land over which game animals are shot in this way 狩獵場.
(idm 習語) the whole (bang) `shoot (infml 口) everything 壹切; 全體.