參考: my 40 years experience with foreigners and professional practice
Trust 信任 Believe 相信
n. 1. 信任
信賴[U][(+in)] I have no trust in him. 我不信任他。 2. 托管
照顧[C][U] Her child was left in my trust for the winter vacation. 她的孩子寒假裏由我照顧。 3. 經托辣斯
企業聯合[C] 4. 可信賴的人(或物)[C] 5. 受托物
代管物[C] The jewels will be held in trust for the girl till she is enty. 女孩的那些首飾將被托管到她二十歲為止。 6. 商業信貨 7. (因受委托而產生的)義務
責任[U] He pledged to fulfil his trust. 他保證履行義務。 vt. 1. 信任
信賴[O2] Why do you trust a guy like him? 妳為什麽要信任他這樣的家夥呢? 2. 依靠
依賴[O2] I can't trust my memory. I'd better write everything down. 我的記性靠不住
最好把什麽都寫下來。 3. 書想
確信[Y][+(that)] I trust your wife will soon get well. 我相信妳太太不久就會痊愈的。 4. 賒給 5. 托付
托交 How can I trust the valuable things to her? 我怎麽能夠把貴重的東西托付給她呢? vi. 1. 信任
信賴[(+in)] We always trust in her cautiousness. 我們對她辦事謹慎壹向是信賴的。 2. 確信 3. 賒售
賒責 4. 依賴[(+to)] It won't do to trust to the inspiration of the moment when speaking to such a big audience. 對這麽多聽眾演講
事先不準備僅靠壹時的靈感是不行的。 vt.[W] 1. 相信;信任[+(that)] I don't believe a single word he says. 他的話我壹句也不信。 2. 認為;猜想
料想[+(that)][O2] We believe Mr. Smith to be innocent. 我們認為史密斯先生是無辜的。 I believe he has e. 我想他已經到了。 vi.[W] 1. 篤信宗教 The Hendersons seldom go to church
but they believe. 亨德森壹家很少去教堂做禮拜
但他們篤信宗教。 2. 相信;信任;信仰[(+in)] He did not believe in Howard's honesty. 他不相信霍華德為人真誠。 3. 猜想
料想 2007-05-07 17:31:20 補充: trust系信賴,依賴believe系相信;信任
參考: .dictionary.yahoo/
believe 和 trust 是同義詞 兩者的意思都是: 相信 I trust /believe your wife will soon get well. 我相信妳太太不久就會痊愈的 但trust 多了壹個意思: 依賴 i don't trust my memory. i"d better write everything down. 我的記憶不太好,最好每事都寫下來
參考: 字典