用四年的時間去作賭註 take 4 year time to bet,
賭壹個她愛我的承諾 for a promise of her love
或許對現代人來說 for the people now days
這是壹個很大的賭註 this is big gamble
因為沒有多少個人 becuase there is noone
願意用自己壹生中 would like spend their whole life time
最活力的四年時間 the most energetic 4 years time
去作這樣的壹個賭註 foe a wager like this
不過,我願意 but, i do
因為我堅信著 because i believe strongly
世界之所以美麗 for the beautiful of the world
往往是因為壹個承諾 it might be just a promise
我的小師妹知道這件事後 when my yong colleague heard about this
肯定地對我說:say to me seriously:
妳作壹個這麽大的賭註 you made a big bet
妳壹定會後悔的 you will be regret
我笑了 i smiled
狂笑 and yock
笑她不懂我 i laugh at her for the reason she does not understand me
在我的生命字典中 in the dictionary of my life
或許會有遺憾 there might be sorrow
但絕不會的後悔 but i will never be regret.