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便條主要包括請假條、留言條、電話留言條(電話記錄)等。 英文的便條壹般包括四個部分:日期、稱呼、正文和署名。 範例1:妳病了,不能上學,請用英語給吳老師寫壹個請假條。 參考範文: October 10 Dear Miss Wu, I’m sorry to tell you that I’m not feeling well today.I caught a bad cold last night.I had got a headache and coughed day and night.The doctor told me to take some medicine and stay in bed for o days.So I can’t go to school today and tomorrow.I hope I can get well soon.Thanks. Your student, ###(莉莉) 最普通也是最常用的格式如下: 內容:傑克和幾個朋友壹起吃飯,慶祝端午節的到來, 地點:學校食堂三樓, 範文: July 1,2010 Dear(因為說明誰寫給誰的), Here is a piece of good news for you. We decide to have dinner party to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival tonight,so please participate in our party, I am sure you will be happy with us. The dinner party will begin at seven O'clock, waiting for your ing. Yours Clas *** ate,(可寫可不寫) *** //hi.baidu/lucksea521/blog/item/f38ad801504bec0b738da588 去看看吧,很全的! 便條 寫作指導 便條是壹種簡單形式的書信。常用的便條有請假條和留言條兩種,其特點是格式簡單,內容簡短,便條上壹般只需要壹兩句話。因此,便條要求做到:內容簡明扼要,文字簡潔明了,講清誰寫的,寫給誰,什麽事以及什麽時候寫的等。 留言條的日期可以寫上年、月日,也可以寫上星期幾或星期幾上、下午,或者只寫幾日,幾點鐘也行。日期多寫在正文右上角,便條多用於熟人之間,因此,便條上的寫條人地址、結束語等都可以省略。 精選範文 ① dear mr li, i'm very sorry to tell you that i can't attend school today because of a bad cold. i enclose the doctor's certificate(證明) and ask you for three days sick leave. your student, li ming enclose(附): the doctor's certificate for sick leave ② headmaster li, i have just received a letter from my home saying that my grandma is badly ill and asking me to go home at once. because of this, i would like to have a leave of three days beginning on oct. 8. i hope that you can allow  me  to  go. zhang hua enclose: a letter from my home. 練習 ① 吳先生: 因爺爺病重,我打算回家探望,要求請假壹星期,從本月10日到16日止。附上姐姐發來的電報,請批準為盼。 您的學生趙威 1999.12.9 (字數:50左右) 參考詞語 重病to be seriously ill 感激to be thankful to 附上enclose ② 海倫: 我想借用妳的漢英詞典,三天後還。因為我目前正在翻譯壹篇重要文章,經常要用,我使用時壹定小心愛護,決不損壞。 謝謝! 珍妮 5.15 (字數:50左右) 參考詞語 能否i wonder if you can… 漢英詞典chinese-english dictionary 查字典to consult a dictionary ③ 彼德: 我今天上午乘火車到達上海,住上海賓館305號房間,請來壹敘。 傑克 上午8∶50 (字數:50左右) 參考詞語 過來壹敘to e over and have a chat ④妳到壹個叫李英的同學家,通知他壹件事,碰巧他不在家,妳給他留了張便條,內容如下: a.明天的課將推遲到本星期六下午2點,因為明天妳要參加勞動——植樹,上午7點在校門口集合出發。 b.前天妳把雨傘落在他家房子的前門外,請他明天上課時替妳帶來。 ××× 8.10 (字數:80左右) 參考詞語 參加勞動take part in the labour 雨傘umbrella ⑤假如妳是建國,妳的朋友今天下午5∶00到妳家。妳當時不在,他只好留條說明他來是為了約妳明天上午和妳壹起去看望妳們的班主任,他明天上午8∶30來叫妳。請在家等候。(字數:50左右) ⑥假如妳是lucy,打算同妳校外籍教師dianna 同去人民劇院看京劇,妳前去送票,碰巧她不在家,請妳寫壹份留言: a.戲劇今晚7∶00開始; b.戲票已經買好,請她別再買票; c.妳將在劇院入口處等她; d.去時,在校門口坐3路車直達劇院。 (字數:80左右) 參考詞語 京劇beijing opera 在入口處at the entrance 乘三路車to take the bss no.3 ⑦假定妳的名字叫王磊,妳原來和林平約好今晚去參加舞會,但妳父親生病住院,妳得去醫院照顧,於是妳去林平住處,想要告訴他這件事。另外,妳準備約他下周六下午去鄉下釣魚,林平碰巧不在家。 請妳給林平留個便條,並請他在下周四以前給回音。(字數:80左右) 參考詞語 參加舞會to go to the dance 照顧to look after 釣魚to go fishing 通知…to let…know 準備好壹切 to get everything ready 下面是壹些例文 ①發出邀請 a april 20, 2008 dear fiona, i am going to hold a dinner party with several other friends of ours. the party will be held in room 6 of lijing hotel at 5:00 p.m. today, i sincerely hope you can attend and we will have a very happy time together. please let me know whether you can make it. yours, amelia 發出邀請b april 20, 2008 dear fiona, here is a piece of good news for you. the * will give a performance in the * tomorrow evening. i am sure that you will be happy to watch it .the performance will begin at seven o’clock sharp. i will wait for you at the theater entrance. please let me know whether you can make it at your earliest convenience. yours, amelia 發出邀請c  april 20, 2008 dear professor zhou, i am amelia from class 052; i need you to give me some suggestion on my project. if it doesn’t trouble you too much, shall we have a meet at your office tomorrow? time is up to you. respectful yours, amelia 發出邀請d(通知) april 20, 2008 dear girls and boys in class 0403, this saturday evening, from 7 p.m. to 9 p. m., at singeing dining hall, there will be a ball held by class 0301. we warmly invite you to take part in it. there you can enjoy yourselves with dance, music and various games. and we’ll have a chance of munication, which will enhance the friendship beeen us. e and enjoy ourselves together. yours, mike monitor of class 0301 ②接受邀請 april 20, 2008 dear amelia, it’s so kind of you to invite me to the dinner party, i would like to e. i will go to the place right after i finish my work at about 5 p.m. this evening. (如果是辦在家裏:i shall be very happy to call at your house right after i finish my work at 6:30 this evening.) thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and i am looking forward to seeing you soon. yours, fiona