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英語中“d” 的音在什麽情況下可以省略不讀


1.[t] [d] + 鼻音 [m] [n] ---[t] [d在詞尾需通過鼻腔爆破(如certain / hidden),在詞中或短語中則形成阻礙,不完全爆破:

Good morning./ good news / take mine / start now/ I don’t know / midnight / admit


2.爆破音 + 爆破音 (即 [b] [p] [d] [t] [g] [k] 相鄰時)--前壹個發不完全的爆破音 ,即只象原樣形成阻礙,稍作停頓,不送氣 :

She took good care of the children./ Ask Bob to sit behind me./ big boy /sharp pencil / what time / September / suitcase / blackboard / handbag / goodbye

3.[t] [d] + 舌邊音 [l]-- [t] [d在詞尾需由舌兩側爆破(如 little),在詞中或短語中則形成不完全爆破:at last / good luck / straight line / I’d like to./ a bit louder / friendly / mostly

4.爆破音 + 破擦音 [ t? ] [d?] --爆破音不完全爆破,即形成阻礙,稍作停頓,不送氣 :great changes / good jobs / that child / grandchild / picture / object

5.爆破音+ 摩擦音 [s] [z] [?] ][?] ] [f] [v] --爆破音不完全爆破,即形成阻礙,稍作停頓,不送氣 :We heard David sing last night./ I’m convinced that Charlie has made the right choice./ Keep silent / a good zoo / night show / make sure / get through / just then / old friends / a good view / success / bloodthirsty / advance

6.動詞否定式的縮寫形式,結尾的t 不發音.

He mustn’t do it./ You needn’t pay for it./ I wouldn’t let him go./ You don’t know him./ Mary shouldn’t call him at work.