迷妳對話: , A: You are starting to learn English?,妳開始學英語了?, B: Yeah. I like it, Dad.,是的,爸爸,我喜歡英語。, A: You’re lucky you start to learn it so easily. I learned English very late, and learned it all by myself. At that time we didn’t have a good English studying environment. I have to keep my dictionary on hand .,能這麽早學習英語,妳真是很幸運。我學英語很晚,而且都是自學。那時候,我們學習英語的環境不大好,我不得不總是把字典放在手邊。, B: Really?,真的嗎?, 地道表達: ,on hand, 解詞釋義: ,hand指“手”,on hand指“手頭上有急需處理的事情”或者是“在手邊,手頭上”,常含有緊迫和令人疲勞的意思。, 支持範例: ,He has too much work on hand to go picnicking with us.,他手頭的工作太多了,不能跟我們去野餐。,We should settle the business on hand first.,應該先處理眼底下的事。,We have no copies of the book on hand.,這書我們現在手頭壹本也沒有。,I always like to keep a certain amount of money on hand.,我總喜歡在手頭備好壹筆錢。, 拓展講解: ,on hand除了指“手頭上有要處理的緊急事情”外,還可以在“到現場”。, 支持範例: ,In daytime we'll have a clerk on hand to handle queries.,白天,我們這裏有壹名職員處理詢問事宜。,All the residents and storekeepers in the neighborhood were on hand.,鄰近的居民和店主們全都聞聲趕來。,He assured Magnus that he would be on hand.,他跟曼克奈斯說,他到時候壹定出席。,He should be on hand to direct operations personally.,他應該親自到場指揮。