a. To maintain world peace is very hopeful. b. There are great hopes for the maintenance of world peace.這兩句基本上是字對字翻譯。
c. The prospect for world peace is very bright. d. The prospects for world peace are very encouraging indeed.後兩句英文比較通順。
初譯:In addition, their pictures reflect, from a certain angle, their mental outlook of having the whole country in mind and the whole world in view as well s their cultural life.改譯:In addition, their pictures reflect, from a certain angle, their mental outlook, their love for the motherland and wide-ranging interest in the world as well as their cultural life.初譯句子用了套語,比較臃腫,不好懂。改譯後比較通順易懂。
As the new century approaches On the verge of the new century At the dawn of the new century At the threshould of the new century As the new century is just round the corner
(2)"……增長百分之幾十,有的成倍增長" increase by double-digit percentages or in some cases several-fold如果有具體數字,譬如:增長了百分之7.4,翻譯不會有任何困難。但"百分之幾十"則不好表達,既然外報有這種表達法,而且與中文也恰好吻合,我們拿來用就是了。
(21)bring out the best in people,"人盡其才"通常譯為:put people's talents to the best use,而現英文句型更生動地表達了"充分發揮人的能力"的意思(Tichets, priced from…to…)are far out of the reach of the ordinary workers,"望塵莫及" If…, all the other problems would melt away."迎刃而解" A special one-time case"下不為例" Visitors who overstayed their pemnits"客人住宿證明過期" Downsizing for efficiency or cut payroll to increase efficiency "減員增效"上述這些英文說法用的都是小字、短字、簡單字,都比較形象,均可為我所用。
二、閱讀英譯漢文章時,註意搜集常用的詞、短語、句子,查閱英語原文是如何表達,利用reverse or back translation的辦法,不斷積累地道的英語詞匯和句型,也就是:英-漢-英。
(22)"我最近常常想到妳和貴國"You and your country have been much in my thoughts recently.這個用法比have often thought of you地道。
(23)"妳目睹了中國和世界在本世紀走過的非凡歷程"You have witnessed the sweep of a remarkable century, both in China and abroad.這裏sweep即是"歷程",它比course更為形象,而且有"走過"的動作。
(24)"大力繼承這些遺產並發揚光大"…are dramatically building on this legacy 比inheriting and carrying forward this legacy簡練貼切。
(25)"經濟改革改變了中國的面貌和人民的日常生活"Economic reform…has transformed China's landscape and its people's daily lives. Landscape的用法可以效仿。
(26)"美籍華人獨特的文化和……勤奮觀念加強了我們社會的凝聚力。" Chinese Americans' unique culture and values of … hard work have strengthened the fabric of our society. Fabric的用法值得學習。
(27)"每個國家都得根據自己的傳統尋找發展方案。"Each country has to look for development approaches within its own traditions. "Within"可以譯成"根據",那麽在類似情況下,"根據"也可譯成within.
(28)"在零售和烹調行業方面,家辦企業的買賣完全超過了國家辦的。"In the retail and catering sectors, household operations have completely outmarketed the state. "household operations"和"outmarket"都可拿來為我所用。
(29)我們在許多不同的場合都用"辛苦了"壹詞,而英語國家的人則隨著情況的變化而變換說法。譬如,客人剛抵達時,主人可以說:Did you have a good trip?某人辛勤工作後,就可以表揚他:Thank you for your hard work.或You've been working hard!
但這次江主席在檢閱部隊時說,"同誌們辛苦了!"(還有"同誌們好!")怎樣翻譯,我沒有把握。至於"同誌們好!"顯然不能譯成Hello或How are you之類。是否可以譯成:Salute!也許需要問問外國朋友。
再如:客人們抵達後,外國主人問道,"Would you like to make yourself comfortable?"我想,這正是我們平時所說"想方便壹下麽?"
(30)會談對英方人員說,We have to consult the opinions of a wide cross-section of people.這正是我們所說的"我們必須廣泛聽取各界人士的意見。"
(31)"憑票入場"外國人用"Admission is by ticket only."我們可以舉壹反三,將"憑柬上壹號觀禮臺"譯成"Admission by card only"or "Please present this card."Venue: Reviewing Stand 總之,各種各樣的英文材料、廣告、路標、宣傳品等等都可作為學習材料。
(32)Quickionary 掃描器字典Telephovision 電視電話A not -for -profit group 非贏利集團Megatrends Asia 《亞洲大趨勢》Quantum Fund 量子基金Hedge Fund 對沖基金