surd :mathematical quantity, esp a root, that cannot be expressed as an ordinary number or quantity 不盡根
square root :A number that when multiplied by itself equals a given number. 平方根
difference of square : the difference of two squares is when a number is squared, or multiplied by itself, and is then subtracted from another squared number.
linear equation : an algebraic equation in which each term is either a constant or the product of a constant and (the first power of) a singlevariable. Linear equations can have one, two, three or more variables.
quadratic equation : apolynomial equation of the second degree.
coefficient : a constant multiplicative factor of a certain object.
real numbers: numbers that are in one-to-one correspondence with the points on an infinite line—the number line. 實數
powers: result obtained by multiplying a number by itself a certain number of times 乘方; 冪: